The Only Leader Sierra Pokemon Go Counters You Need in February 2024

Do you want to find the best counters to beat Sierra, the Rocket Go Team Leader in Pokemon Go? Find out the best counters to beat all opponents of the new Sierra Raid. 

In Pokemon Go, it’s time for raids and events. The Sinnoh Event in Pokemon Go features plenty of five-star raids and PvP battles. Apart from these, Pokemon Go trainers can defeat the Rocket Leader Sierra in the new February 2024 raid. Before you battle against the Pokemon of Sierra Leader, you have to defeat 6 Team Go Rocket Grunts.

Sierra is an integral part of the Team Go Rocket in Pokemon Go. Sierra is also one of its leaders and deploys different Pokemon in each phase. Defeating the units of Sierra is never an easy task for players. Sierra’s first Pokemon features the Shadow Tentacool and other Pokemon will feature in the following rounds. You can find the counters to beat Arlo. Here’s all about the Pokemon Go Sierra battle and tips to defeat the leader. 

Pokemon Go Sierra Leader Raid February 2024 – Best Counters & Strategies

Pokemon Go Sierra Raid PhasesOpponents 
Pokemon 1Shadow Tentacool 
Pokemon 2Shadow Sableye, Shadow Honchkrow, Shadow Milotic
Pokemon 3Shadow Houndoom, Shadow Alakazam, Shadow Victreebel

 The first task is to earn Mysterious Components by beating six Team GO Rocket Grunts. This will help you build a Rocket Radar and find the Go Rocket Leaders. One of the leaders will be Sierra. Beating Sierra’s Pokemon needs the best counters and moves. Here are the recommended Pokemon and counters to defeat Pokemon Go Sierra leader and its units,

Best Pokemon to Beat Shadow Tentacool

Pokemon Go Sierra Leader

Shadow Tentacool is a water and poison Pokemon and trainers have to defeat it in the first phase of the battle against Sierra. Use these Pokemon and their moves to defeat Shadow Tentacool,

Pokemon Moves
MewtwoPsychic, Psystrike
XurkitreeDischarge, Thunder Shock
Garchomp Sand Tomb, Earth Tower

Best Pokemon to Beat Shadow Honchkrow

Pokemon Moves
XerneasMegahorn, Geomancy
ZekromFusion Bolt, Wild Charge 
XurkitreeDazzling Gleam, Thunder Shock

Best Pokemon to Beat Shadow Sableye

Pokemon Moves
SylveonMoonblast, Charm
GardevoirCharm, Dazzling Gleam
TogekissAura Sphere, Charm, Air Slash

Best Pokemon to Beat Milotic 

Pokemon Moves
KartanaRazor Leaf, X-Scissor
MagnezoneSpark, Zap Cannon
ElectivireWild Shock, Thunder Shock

Best Pokemon to Beat Victreebel 

Pokemon Moves
HeatranFlamethrower, Fire Spin
MetagrossMeteor Mash, Bullet Punch 
ReshiramFire Fang, Draco Meteor

Best Pokemon to Beat Houndoom 

Pokemon Moves
MachampCounter, Stone Edge
LucarioShadow Ball, Aura Sphere
HariyamaSuperpower, Close Combat 

Best Pokemon to Beat Alakazam 

Pokemon Moves
Gengar Sludge Bomb, Lick
PhermosaBug Buzz, Low Kick 
HydreigonDragon Pulse, Bite, Brutal Swing, Dragon Breath

These are the best Pokemon to beat all opponents in the Sierra leader raid in Pokemon Go. The second and third phases of the Sierra Raid will be more challenging than the first one. Trainers who win the raid against Sierra will get these rewards,

  •  12KM Strange Egg
  •  Hyper Potion
  •  Revive 
  •  Stardust 
  •  Unova Stone

That’s everything you need to know about defeating the Team Go Rocket Leader, Sierra, in Pokemon Go. Here are 3 super counters to beat Origin Forme Dialga that will help you complete the new raid in the game. You can also find the best moves and counters to beat Cliff, another leader of the Team Go Rocket.


Is Shiny Rotom Available in Pokemon Go?

Yes, there’s a shiny version of Pokemon Go Rotom. Trainers can participate in the Sinnoh Tour raids and challenges and unlock Rotom as well. The Sinnoh Tour event can be unlocked through a redemption code.

Is Pokemon Go Free-to-play?

Yes, Pokemon Go is a free-to-play AR and RPG adventure for Android and iOS. In this colorful Pokemon game, you will play as a trainer and explore locations in the wild and real-world to catch different types of Pokemon to your party.

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Pokémon 480 – Uxie Pokemon Go Guide

What’s Pokemon Go 480? How to unlock Uxie Pokemon? Find out everything about #480 Uxie in Pokemon Go.

Pokemon Go has tons of Pokemon that are featured in a Pokedex. Every Pokemon is placed in a different Pokédex number. What’s Pokemon 480 and Uxie in Pokemon Go? Trainers have not been able to find 480 in the Pokedex list. Uxie, the Psychic type Pokemon is Pokemon Go’s #480 and it will only appear once you manage to catch the unit. Just like Umbreon, Uxie will be a good addition.

Trainers of Pokemon Go can catch Uxie in the wild of Sinnoh region. Sinnoh is one of the top-tier defenders in the game. With the best moves, you can enhance Uxie’s attack and damage stats. Uxie is highly resistant against psychic and fighting moves, but it has some weaknesses as well. Here’s all about Pokemon Go #480 Uxie, Moves and Counters.

Uxie 480 Pokemon

Pokemon Go 480 Uxie Build – Best Moves

Pokemon Weakness 
UxieBug, Ghost and Dark

The Pokemon day celebration event is coming soon and new raids will be available. Uxie can be caught within 20km. Players can get a shiny version of Uxie as well. Bug, Dark and Ghost types Pokemon are the best counters to use against Uxie for raids and PvP battles. Here are the best moves of Pokemon Go Uxie #480,

  • Thunder – Thunder is an electric charged move for Uxie. This deals more than 100 damage on average.
  • Future Sight – Thee charge move boosts Uxie’s damage and unleashes heavy attacks.
  • Extrasensory – Uxie’s main fast move that deals heavy Psychic damage can be effective during windy weather.
  • Confusion – Another effective fast attack move for Uxie that’s highly recommended for five-star raids. Confusion moveset deals 25 damage and attacks faster.

Best Counters to Beat Pokemon Go Uxie

You can beat Uxie using Bug, Ghost and Dark moves. Bite and Brutal Swing moves work well against Uxie. Here are the top counters to beat Uxie in Pokemon Go raids and PvP battles,

  • Shadow Tyranitar
  • Mega Houndoom 
  • Mega Gengar
  • Tyranitar

Is it Possible to Get a Shiny Version of Pokemon Go Uxie?

Pokemon Go Uxie 480

Yes, Uxie has a shiny variant as well. Players can encounter Shiny Uxie in all regions of Sinnoh. Chances of catching Shiny Uxie will be 10% in raids. Uxie doesn’t have an evolution form and you can catch the normal and shiny version of Uxie in the wild. Also, you can catch Rotom Pokemon with a code.

That’s everything you need to know about Pokemon Go 480 and Uxie. With these moves and counters, you can easily win raids against the psychic Pokemon, Uxie. Also, you can find the best tricks and counters to beat Kyurem.

Is it Easy to Beat Dialga in Pokemon Go?

Origin Forme Dialga is a new variant of the legendary Dialga. The Pokemon is not available in a five-star raid through the Sinnoh Tour event in Pokemon Go. Origin Forme Dialga has plenty of moves and it also uses its powerful charged move, Roar of Move.

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Pokemon Unite Draft Pick – Master the Draft Picks And Unlock Miraidon

Pokemon Unite Draft pick is finally arriving in ranked mode. Find out the new changes to ranked mode and everything about the draft picks.

Pokemon Unite has a plethora of unique features and trainers take part in 5v5 ranked and custom battles against online players. The Ranked mode unlocks at level 6 in the game. Before Pokemon Day, there will be a new addition in Pokemon Unite for the ranked mode. Apart from the draft pick, trainers can add Miraidon to their squad. The Draft Pick feature will be incorporated into the ranked mode of Pokemon Unite from February 27, 2024.

Pokemon Unite Miraidon Unlock Options
Unlock MethodRequirements
Aeos CoinsSpend more than 10,000 Aeos Coins.
Aeos GemsSpend around 800 Aeos Gems.
Free Method UnavailableThere is no free method to unlock Miraidon.

Makers of Pokemon Unite are coming up with new changes frequently and trainers can battle against the Shiny Rayquaza as well. The draft pick mode will bring lots of changes to Pokemon Unite ranked battles and it will have several phases as well. Pokemon Unite Season 18 ranked matches will begin with the draft pick. Here’s all about Pokemon Unite Draft Picks, rules and more.

Pokemon unite Draft pick
Draft pick mode

Pokemon Unite Draft Picks, Ranked Mode & More

Draft pick has finally been announced for the ranked mode. The primary rule for Pokemon Unite Draft is the last 2 players from each team will get a chance to ban a Pokemon. A total of 4 Pokemon will be banned in a ranked match. The Pokemon you choose to ban can’t be used by other players for ranked battles in Pokemon Unite.


The fourth and fifth players can select a Pokemon to ban and other trainers will be eligible to give their suggestions. Draft pick doesn’t allow you to pick Pokemon that’s already chosen by the opponent. Trainers who have more than 1,400 Master Rank ratings in Pokemon Unite will be able to use the draft picks from the season 18.

Pokemon Unite Draft Pick Rules

Ban PhaseLast 2 players from each team have the opportunity to ban a Pokemon. 4 Pokemon will be banned in a ranked match.
SelectionTrainers cannot pick a Pokemon already chosen by the opponent.
EligibilityTrainers with more than 1,400 Master Rank ratings can use draft picks from Season 18.
Ban DurationEach player has 15 seconds to vote for their Pokemon bans.

Pokemon Unite Draft Pick Voting 

Voting AccessFourth and fifth players have the authority to ban Pokemon for ranked battles.
Voting TimeEach player has 15 seconds to vote for their Pokemon bans during the Ban Phase.
ParticipationAll players can participate in the voting process, but only certain players can ban.

The draft pick allows players to vote and select the Pokemon to ban. Everyone can vote, but the access to ban Pokemon for ranked battles will be given to the fourth and fifth players. The Ban Phase duration will be 15 seconds for each player and the trainer has to vote for their Pokemon within this time.

These are the major rules for Pokemon Unite Draft Picks for the ranked mode battles. The draft pick will be an exciting addition to Pokemon Unite ranked mode matches. Draft picks will not be available for Standard game mode matches, but they are available for custom and tournament mode battles.

That’s everything you need to know about Pokemon Unite Draft Pick mode and new ranked changes. Fans of Pokemon Unite are in for a massive treat. The Shiny Rayquaza return, new Miraidon Pokemon, Draft Pick mode, and a couple of new held items will be added as well.


How to Unlock Pokemon Unite Draft Pick?

The draft pick mode will be available in Pokemon Unite master level ranked matches. Trainers above 1,400 master level rank ratings can utilize the draft pick feature. Draft pick makes ranked challenges interesting and difficult.

How to Unlock Pokemon Unite Miraidon?

Trainers can unlock Miraidon by spending in-game currency in Pokemon Unite. You have to spend more than 10,000 Aeos Coins to add Miraidon to your party. The other option is to spend around 800 Aeos Gems. There is now free way to unlock Miraidon

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3 Super Counters Will Obliterate Origin Forme Dialga Pokemon GO Raid 2024

Do you want to find the best movesets and counters to beat Origin Forme Dialga in Pokemon Go five-star raid? Scroll down and find the best strategies to win the Origin Forme Dialga raid.

The new set of events and raids are live in Pokemon Go. The Sinnoh Tour event provides an opportunity for players to unlock Rotom Pokemon for their squad. Also, there are many limited-time raids for trainers. The new raid features Dialga, the steel and dragon type Pokemon. Trainers who choose the diamond badge in Pokemon Go Sinnoh Tour – Los Angeles can unlock Dialga.

If you have chosen the pearl badge, then you can take part in the new five-star raids to tussle against the Origin Forme Dialga. Defeating the Dialga Pokemon is a huge challenge for trainers as it’s strong against a plethora of moves. Here are the top 3 super counters to beat the origin forme Dialga in Pokemon Go five-star raid 2024.

Pokemon Go Origin Forme Dialga Counters 2024


Pokemon Go Origin Forme Dialga Weakness – Ground and Fighting 

New raids in Pokemon Go ahead of the Pokemon event day will be the best chance for players to maximize their rewards. The five-star raid featuring Origin Forme Dialga will be available between February 24 – February 25, 2024. Dialga has several moves including its iconic move called the Roar of Time.

Origin Forme Dialga is only vulnerable only against Fighting and Ground moves. Players can encourage Dialga in two forms at a high CP. Here are the top 3 counters to beat Pokemon Go Origin Forme Dialga:

Best Counters for Dialga Pokemon Go Raid
PokemonTypeWeather BoostBest Moves
Primal GroudonGroundSunnyPrecipice Blades, Mud Shot
Shadow ExcadrillGroundScorching Sands, Mud Slap
TerrakionFighting/RockWindyDouble Kick, Sacred Sword

Primal Groudon

Pokemon Go Origin Forme Dialga
Origin Forme Dialga

Primal Groudom is one of the best counters to beat Origin Forme Dialga. This Pokemon gets boosted by sunny weather. With high stats for Atk, Def and Stamina, Primal Groudom can be your first counter to defeat Dialga. The best moves are,

  • Precipice Blades – The ground type charged attack deals lethal damage. Precipice Blades deals more than 130 dps
  • Mud Shot – The primary fast move for Primal Groudom boosts its base damage

Shadow Excadrill

Shadow Excadrill has been one of the best Pokemon for five-star raids. With high CP, ATK and Stamina, it only boosts your chances of winning the mighty battle against Origin Forme Dialga. The best moves are,

  • Scorching Sands – The Ground type charged move deals 95 damage on average and this is the best moveset for Shadow Excadrill
  • Mud Slap – The fast move inflicts heavy damage attacks faster for a short time


Pokemon Terrakion is a Rock and Fighting dual Pokemon. Terrakion becomes a monster during windy weather. Terrakion has excellent CP and great attacking stats. With these movesets, you can destroy Origin Forme Dialga,

  • Double Kick – The fighting fast move attacks harder and quickly drains the energy of opposite Pokemon
  • Sacred Sword – This charge move constantly deals more than 35 damage and will be a great addition for Terrakion.

When will Dialga be in Raids 2024?

Dialga has been featured in a new five-star raid in Pokemon Go Sinnoh Tour event. You can battle against Dialga between Feb 24 – Feb 25, 2024.

How to get Dialga Pokemon Go 2024?

Dialga is a legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Unite. Trainers can get Dialga by defeating the Pokemon in a five-star raid that’s available in the Sinnoh region.

With these 3 counters, you can win the five-star raid against Origin Forme Dialga in Pokemon Go. The raid against Dialga will only be available for 2 days.

Can you get Pokemon Go Dialga Shiny Variant?

Yes , trainers can catch the shiny version of Origin Forme Dialga in the wild regions of Sinnoh. But the chance for a shiny version of Dialga is very low.

Is it Difficult to Beat Pokemon Go Origin Forme Dialga?

Origin Forme Dialga is a new variant of the legendary Dialga. The Pokemon is not available in a five-star raid through the Sinnoh Tour event in Pokemon Go. Origin Forme Dialga has plenty of moves and it also uses its powerful charged move, Roar of Move.

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This is The Best Grotle Pokemon Go Guide You Need in 2024

The best movesets for Grotle Pokemon Go in PvP battles include Razor Leaf, Solar Beam, Return, and Body Slam. Each move has its own damage and energy output.

Grotle is a grass-type Pokemon that can be found in the Sinnoh region. Grotle in Pokemon Go was introduced around October 2018 as a part of Sinnoh’s main release. It has appeared multiple times in various Sinnoh-related events like the Road to Sinnoh in February 2024. Turtwig Is the unevolved version of Grotle, and upon feeding 100 candies, grotle evolution to Torterra can be achieved. The table below will give you a quick view at the movesets and their type with the damage.

MoveTypeDamage (PvE)Damage (PvP)
Razor LeafGrass1310
Solar BeamGrass180150

You’ll likely encounter a shiny Turtwig during your hunt in the Sinnoh region. A shiny Turtwig isn’t much different than the normal Turtwig, besides the fact that they have more green and are less yellow. It evolves into a shiny Grotle in Pokemon Go, and a shiny Grotle evolution in Pokemon Go results in a shiny Torterra. Here in this Grotle Pokemon Go guide, we’ll walk you through the best Grotle PvP movesets, their stats, and the various Grotle weaknesses.


Look at These Pokemon That Look Like Pokeballs.

Best Grotle Pokemon Go PvP movesets

Grotle Pokemon’s best moves for both PvE and PvP include the Razor leaf, Solar Beam, Return and Body Slam. Let’s have a look at the Grotle Pokemon Go movesets:-

MoveTypeDamage (PvE)Energy (PvE)Damage (PvP)Energy (PvP)
Razor LeafGrass137104
Solar BeamGrass18010015080
Energy BallGrass90509055
Body SlamNormal50336035

Razor leaf: Razor Leaf is a fast move of the grass type. It does 13 damage and expels 7 energy in Gym and Raid battles. Razor Leaf is a GO Battle League character that delivers 10 damage and produces 4 energy.

Solar Beam: In Pokémon GO, Solar Beam is a Charge move of the Grass-type. It requires 100 energy and does 180 damage in raid and gym fights. Solar Beam costs 80 energy and delivers 150 damage in GO Battle League.

Bite: Bite is a fast move of the Dark type. It does 6 damage and expels 4 energy in Gym and Raid battles. Bite in GO Battle League has a 4 damage and 2 energy output. 

Energy Ball: The Energy Ball is a Charge move of the Grass-type. It requires 50 energy and does 90 damage in raid and gym fights. Energy Ball costs 55 energy and delivers 90 damage in GO Battle League.

Body Slam: In Pokémon GO, Body Slam is a Charge move of the Normal type. It consumes 33 energy and does 50 damage in raid and gym fights. Body Slam costs 35 energy and does 60 damage in GO Battle League.

Grotle Pokemon Go Stats

These Grotle attacks in Pokemon Go proved to be very effective in battles against enemies. Now let’s look at some Grotle Pokemon go stats:-

Max CP2137

Grotle Pokemon Go Weaknesses and How to Defeat Grotle?

Grotle is weak to the following types:

  • Fire
  • Flying
  • Bug
  • Ice
  • Poison

Since Grotle is a grass-type Pokemon and therefore it is weak to Fire, Flying, Bug, Ice and Poison-type moves. If you’re in a battle against Grotle in Pokemon Go, you can use Pokemon of the mentioned category to effectively tackle your opponent. However, it’s essential to avoid Grass, electric, water, and ground types of Pokemon since Grotle can easily resist their damage.

If you want you can check out our in-depth guides on Pokemon Unite and Pokemon Go.


How can I evolve Turtwig into Grotle and then into Torterra?

To evolve Turtwig into Grotle, you need to collect 100 Turtwig candies. Once you have Grotle, you can evolve it into Torterra using the same method.

What are the differences between a shiny Turtwig and a normal Turtwig?

Shiny Turtwig has more green and less yellow compared to its normal counterpart. Similarly, shiny Grotle and shiny Torterra exhibit similar differences upon evolution.

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Complete Details About Miraidon Pokemon Unite – Release Date, How to Get, Role, Gameplay, and More

Miraidon will be the next new Pokemon in Pokemon Unite. Before Miraidon gets launched on Pokemon Day, you can find the best moves and build.

Pokemon Unite, the 5v5 MOBA has plenty of challenges and events. As Pokemon Day 2024 arrives, there have been numerous leaks about  Pokemon games and content. Pokemon Unite makers have surprised fans with a new update. A new Pokemon is coming to Aeos Island on February 27, 2024.

Trainers can unlock the Generation 9 Pokemon, Miraidon, in the world of Pokemon Unite on Pokemon Day. Miraidon, the legendary Pokemon, is a strong offensive unit. Miraidon has many powerful moves, emblems and held items. Here’s all about the best build and skills for Miraidon in Pokemon Unite.

Pokemon unite Miraidon

Pokemon Unite Miraidon Build

Pokemon Movesets
Miraidon Parabolic Charge, Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Charge Beam

Trainers can spend Aeos Coins and Gems to add Miraidon to their party. Miraidon will be a powerful attacker and its movesets will boost its damage constantly. You can find the best strategies for attackers.. Here are the recommended moveset for Pokemon Unite Miraidon,

  • Thunder Shock – It generates electric effects and deals massive damage to targets in its range
  • Thunder Wave – This move deals electric damage and paralyzes enemies for a short time
  • Parabolic Charge – Miraidon will attack adjacent units and retrieve 50% of hp 
  • Charge Beam – Charge Beam increases damage for Miraidon by 30%

Best Held Items for Pokemon Unite Miraidon

Held items grant passive stats and buffs Pokemon’s atk, hp and def. Miraidon can use these held items in its slots.

  • Focus Band – This held item boosts both def and sp.def stats by +3 for Miraidon
  • Energy Amplifier – Use the unite move of Miraidon to get a huge damage boost
  • Wise Glasses – Miraidon’s sp.atk stats will be doubled for the combat
  • Assault Vest – To boost Miraidon’s defense, you can use the Assault Vest. This increases Hp and Sp. Def by a huge margin
  • Aeos Cookie – Score a goal with Miraidon to increase its maximum hp for the remaining match. Aeos Cookie also grants a +240 HP buff

Best Boost Emblems for Pokemon Unite Miraidon

Miraidon can utilize boost emblems and enhance its base stats. The best boost emblems are,

Boost EmblemsEffects
Wobbuffet HP +30
Golduck Sp.Def +3.0
Horsea So.Atk +1.8
SeadraSp.Atk +1.6

Pokemon Unite Miraidon Release Date, Evolution & More

Miraidon will be unveiled in Pokemon Unite on February 27, 2024 which also marks the Pokemon Anniversary Day. Trainers can claim free Aeos Tickets by logging in every day. Before Miraidon makes its way to Aeos Island, trainers can complete other challenges and claim  resources. Miraidon doesn’t have an evolution form and you can play with the normal variant. Also, there will not be any shiny version of Miraidon in Pokemon Unite.

That’s everything you need to know about the best build and items for Miraidon in Pokemon Unite. After the Shiny Rayquaza, it’s time for trainers to unlock Miraidon.

How to Get Miraidon in Pokemon Unite

Trainers can unlock Miraidon by spending in-game currency in Pokemon Unite. You have to spend more than 10,000 Aeos Coins to add Miraidon to your party. The other option is to spend around 800 Aeos Gems. There is now free way to unlock Miraidon

Are Held Items Good in Pokemon Unite?

Held Items are bonus items for each Pokemon in the game and it transforms your units effectively. Pokemon Unite Held Items will be available from rank 1 and you can unlock all slots at level 10. You can purchase held items from the Aeos Emporium shop by spending in-game currency and resources.

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Latest Updates on Pokemon Legends Celebi – Is it Real, Release Date, and More

Is Pokemon Legends Celebi releasing soon? Which are the best starters for Pokemon Legends Celebi? Find all the latest updates about Celebi.

Not many Pokemon fans are aware of Celebi. There have been leaks about a new Pokemon Legends game titled “Celebi”. The Pokemon Anniversary Event is going live soon and there is a chance for an official update on Pokemon Legends Celebi. Pokemon Presents 2024 showcase will stream live on February 27, 2024 and fans will get to know about all new Pokemon game updates.

The Pokemon Presents is the most anticipated event among all Pokemon fans over the world. There will be many announcements including Pokemon Gold and Silver,  Pokemon Black and White and Paradox Pokemon. But what’s going to be a major surprise is the announcement of Pokemon Legends Celebi and possibly with a teaser as well. 

Everyone knows Celebi is a Mythical Pokemon that arrived from the future. This Time Travel Pokemon is a Psychic and Grass type from Generation II. After the arrival of Pokemon Legends Arceus, fans have been excited for the next launch from the Legends series. Rumors indicate Celebi will be the sequel to Arceus. Here’s all about Pokemon Legends Celebi release date and leaks.

If you want you can check out our in-depth guides on Pokemon Unite and Pokemon Go.

Pokemon Legends Celebi Story & Playing Style 

Celebi is a future Pokemon and mythical creature that travelled and crossed over time to reach the present world. Pokemon Celebi doesn’t evolve. It doesn’t have a shiny form as well. Celebi is also weaker against many Pokemon types like Fire, Flying, Poison and Ice. Celebi plays as a tank and deals heavy damage.

Pokemon legends celebi
Pokemon Celebi

The stories of Pokemon Celebi will take place 1000 years after the events of Pokemon Gold and Silver. This game will entirely focus on the time-traveling Pokemon, Celebi, which will also recruit new Pokemon units and send them back in time. 

Celebi belongs to the forest region called Yasei. Celebi is also known as the Guardian of the Forest as it mostly spawns in the Jungle infested regions. Trees and Grass will thrive whenever Celebi spawns in these areas. Celebi, the mythical creature, will send other Pokemon from the future to avoid wars in the present world.

Leaks from Reddit revealed that players can use a device called Cel-Tuner and explore other Pokemon regions as a Pokemon researcher. In Celebi, decisions you take from the future will also impact the stories in the present world. 

Look at These Pokemon That Look Like Pokeballs.

Pokemon Legends Celebi Release Date & Platforms 

As of now, there’s no updates on the release date of Pokemon Celebi. Fans will get a clear picture on the release date of Celebi on Pokemon Day. Those who ask whether Pokemon Legends Celebi is real or not will also know more about this mythical creature in a couple of days.

 We also have to wait and watch which platforms get Pokemon Legends Celebi. Some say Pokemon Legends Celebi will only be launched to Nintendo Switch like Arceus and others say it will be a multi-platform game. Once the trailer of Celebi is launched, more updates will be known. 

That’s everything you need to know about Pokemon Legends Celebi release date, lore and platforms. We will come back with more interesting updates soon.

Is Pokemon Legends Celebi Real?

Yes, Celebi is a real mythical Pokemon that travels from the future to present. Pokemon Legends Celebi will be a new exclusive game based on this creature.

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All You Need to Know about Palworld Dungeon Map

Are you struggling to find Palworld dungeon on map? Find out everything about Palworld dungeons, levels and rewards.

Palworld is a monster-taming survival and crafting adventure. Here, you play with small companions called ‘Pals’. Palworld is a multiplayer and open world crafting game that lets you roam freely in all environments. You can reach the sky, explore the seas, and travel across mountains with your pals. With equipment, you can capture new pals and add them to your party.

Palworld has plenty of dungeons as well. You have to utilize the abilities of Pals to build defense bases, campfires, and factories. Every Pal is skillful in different jobs. As you explore the wilds in Palworld, you have to engage in battles against dangerous creatures across dungeons. The Palworld dungeons are small caves that are mostly found on Palpagos Island.

Palworld Dungeon has different levels and it’s never easy to access some dungeons. But you can find dungeon locations easily on the Palworld map.  The Palworld Interactive map is an excellent feature that allows Pals to find dungeons quickly. Where are all the dungeons located in Palworld? Here’s all about Palworld Dungeons and Maps.

Palworld Dungeon Map – Everything You Need to Know

Palworld dungeon map

The Palworld map shows all nearby dungeons and layouts. There will be different levels for every dungeon. Players can spot dungeons near rocks and tunnels as well. Palworld dungeons are shown on maps with an icon and you can interact near the entrance of a cavern to get access to all dungeons.

Dungeons are mostly found near caves and they respawn as well. In Palworld, if you fail to enter a dungeon, you can wait for the dungeon to respawn after a short time. The dungeon has small challenges and boss fights as well. In dungeons, Pals can find collectible resources and even the glowing treasure chests will spawn as well.

Palworld dungeon room has different layouts and you might get trapped in some levels. You can find crystals in the dungeon, but you have to beat other Pals inside. Palworld dungeon map is a complicated feature and players have to switch between the right path and left path to reach the destination and complete tasks.

Palworld Dungeon Chest Rewards

Dungeon map

Essential materials like Pure Quartz, Sulfur, Fragments, and Paldium Crystals can be farmed inside several dungeons. There are not many dungeons in Palworld as even the map size is not large. Some of the best dungeons in Palworld are Cavern of the Dunes, Ravine Grotto and Hillside Cavern. 

You can explore the wild regions of Astral Mountains and Windswept Hills to find more caves and dungeons. Palworld dungeon chests also include premium exclusive rewards including Refined Metal Armor, Handgun, Assault Rifle, Refined Metal Armor, Rocket Launcher, Life Pendant and Skill Fruits.

Can you Use Palworld Dungeon Map Mods?

Palworld players who struggle to locate dungeon maps can use mods. With Palworld mods, you can unlock new map locations and dungeons. Although mods are not allowed, Palworld players have been using mods to exploit new content and accessories. The dungeon map mod will reveal all dungeons in Palworld and show the right directions as well.

That’s everything you need to know about Palworld map, dungeon locations and rewards.

Is it Wrong to Pick Up Palworld Dungeon from Map?

Finding dungeons in Palworld is an uphill task for players. The interactive map gets the job easier for your Pals as you can get to dungeons and other locations by finding them on the map. You can get to dungeons from travel points and camps.

Can you Play Palworld on PlayStation?

No, Palworld is only released for Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. Palworld is a crafting and survival thriller that is set in an open world. Palworld is not launched for PlayStation.

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The Best and the Fastest Ways to Get Palworld Refined Ingot

Are you looking to craft a Refined Ingot in Palworld? Find out the crafting materials and tips to make a Refined Ingot.

Palworld is a riveting crafting game. The survival adventure has already created plenty of records on Steam. Palworld is an open-world game where players have to unlock creatures called Pals to beat bosses and enemies across mountains and islands. As you progress in the campaign, you have to unlock more pals and add them to your party. With Pals, you can craft weapons, build bases, and run factories.

Alpha Pals and Lucky Pals are two types of pals and they are specialized in various jobs. You have to farm materials and craft new equipment with Pals. Materials like Ingot and Refined Ingot are required to craft metals and weapons. Refined Ingot is a primary material that’s used to craft elite weapons and tools. Here’s all about Palworld’s refined ingot and ways to farm this material.

Steps to Craft Palworld Refined Ingot 

Refined Ingot

Refined Ingot is a key equipment to make the top-tier weapons in Palworld. As of now, there’s only one method to unlock Refined Ingot material in Palworld and it’s very simple as well. This intermediate crafting material can be crafted at an Improved Furnace. The required crafting materials to unlock Refined Ingot are,

  • x2 Ore
  • x2 Coal

The first task is to unlock an Improved Furnace which can be unlocked at level 34 in Palworld. You also have to spend 4 technology points to unlock this furnace along with resources including 100 Stones, 30 Cement, and 15 Flame Organs. Once you are done with these, a Pal with the kindling skill will complete the job. Then, you can earn the Refined Ingot and complete the task.

Palworld refined ingot

There’s no specific location to farm the refined ingot in Palworld. You just have to build your base in a vast area and then collect the required recipes to craft refined ingot which can be used to craft powerful Palworld equipment like,

  • Electric Heater
  • Giga Glider
  • Paladius Saddle
  • Assault Rifle
  • Refined Metal Armor
  • Sword
  • Shotgun Shells

Can you Get Palworld Refined Ingot from a Merchant?

No. The Palworld Refined Ingot can only be crafted at the location of your base. You can farm the required recipes to craft the refined ingot and make it using the improved furnace. No merchant in Palworld sells the refined ingot material and it is not available as a drop from enemies as well. The only method is to collect Ore and Coal and use them together in an Improved Furnace.

That’s everything you need to know about crafting refined ingots in Palworld. Craft the top-tier weapons in Palworld using this elite material.

Is Refined Ingot Essential in Palworld?

Refined Ingot is an integral part of the game. It’s an important material to craft the strongest weapons, tools and armor in Palworld. Along with Refined Ingot, you can craft other essential resources to level up faster in the game.

Can you Play Palworld on PlayStation?

No, Palworld is only released for Windows, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. Palworld is a crafting and survival thriller that is set in an open world. Palworld is not launched for PlayStation.

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The Only Pokemon Nuzlocke Rules Guide You Need

What is a Pokemon Nuzlocke? What’s the meaning of Nuzlocke? Find out all about Nuzlocke Pokemon and basic rules to play this self-imposed challenge.

What’s a Nuzlocke Pokemon? Do you know the meaning of Pokemon Nuzlocke and the rules for this challenge? There are many basic rules for this Nuzlocke challenge. Nuzlocke is a self-imposed challenge for Pokemon players and this enhances a player’s skills gradually. Nuzlocke has lots of rules and it provides a unique gaming experience as well.

Nuzlocke is more like a playthrough for Pokemon players and the difficulty keeps getting harder with the rules. Taking the Nuzlocke challenge significantly improves a player’s caliber in Pokemon games. There are some interesting rules for Nuzlocke like one can’t raise a Pokemon’s levels or use any battle items to catch the first wild Pokemon. Here’s all about the Pokemon Nuzlocke challenge and all the main rules.

You can check out our in-depth guides on Pokemon Unite and Pokemon Go.

All Pokemon Nuzlocke Rules 2024

Pokemon Nuzlocke Rules

The beauty of the Nuzlocke challenge is the rules will be the same for all types of Pokemon games. Be it Scarlet and Violet or Unite, the basic Nuzlocke rules will be the same. Here are the primary rules for the Pokemon Nuzlocke:

  • Players can only catch the first Pokemon they spot in the wild. If you fail to catch one or if the Pokemon escapes, then you will not be catch another Pokemon in the same route.
  • Whenever a Pokemon faints, it has to be captured in a box. This Pokemon can’t be used again as per the rules of the Nuzlocke challenge.
  • The Nuzlocke challenge also allows a duplicate clause. Players can catch different Pokemon in this route if other players own the first wild Pokemon or if they already own the same.
  • The Nuzlocke challenge rule allows trainers to encounter shiny Pokemon. Shiny Pokemon can be your first catch as well.
  • You can play using Pokemon that are captured by yourself. You can’t trade or get Pokemon as a gift for the Nuzlocke.
  • The other major Pokemon Nuzlocke challenge rules state one can’t reset the game or use any hack tools, mods, or cheats.

Follow these Nuzlocke rules and unleash your abilities in Pokemon games. You have to be wise and creative to win Nuzlocke challenges. There’s no in-game mode or difficulty level named Nuzlocke as these Nuzlockes are self-imposed challenges and rules created by fans.

Look at These Pokemon That Look Like Pokeballs.

Best Pokemon Nuzlocke Strategies 

You can win Nuzlocke Pokemon challenges with these simple tips and tricks,

  • Play a Pokemon game that’s easier. You can play Pokemon games that have simple rules. This is a key strategy for Nuzlocke challenge
  • Use higher level Pokemon and carry anecdote to master these Nuzlocke games
  • You can either reset your Pokemon game and start the Nuzlocke playthrough fresh or play from the start. Whenever you run out of skills or HP, you can swap your Pokemon for the Nuzlocke challenge 

That’s everything you need to know about Pokemon Nuzlocke challenges and rules.

Who can Play Nuzlocke Pokemon?

Anyone who knows all the rules of Nuzlocke can play this unique Pokemon challenge. You can play Nuzlocke challenge in all Pokemon games. Once you catch your first wild Pokemon in the first route, you are ready to rock this challenge.

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