Is Frodo a Pokemon? Find Out the Right Answer!

Is Frodo a Pokemon? What’s the history of Frodo in the Pokemon world? Find out everything.

In the Pokemon universe, there are many surprising facts. Some shocking events have always happened in the Pokemon world. Frodo, an iconic character from the Lord of the Rings has been associated with Pokemon fans. Some say Frodo is a Pokemon and some say he’s not. Frodo is the main character in the Lord of the Rings game and novel and the protagonist has an evergreen memory with Pokemon fans over the years.

Frodo is not a Pokemon and has not appeared in Pokemon games. But he’s gotten a TCG card with some special skills from the Lord of the Rings franchise. There’s also an incident that took place in a tv reality show called “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” and this involved Frodo as well. Here’s all about Pokemon Frodo, Undying lands and secrets.

Frodo Pokemon – Everything You Need to Know 

Frodo is not a Pokemon and everyone knows this. In 1999, a participant named Toby Moore, took part in the Reality Show and was on the verge of winning $500,000. The question was related to Pokemon and choices were given. Toby Moore was asked to pick the character’s name that was never featured in the Pokemon universe. The choices were Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Squirtle and Frodo.

Toby opted for the 50:50 feature and the final choices were Frodo and Jigglypuff. Toby Moore didn’t answer the question and failed to win the cash as he chose to close the campaign with $250,000. The answer is simple and everyone knows it’s Frodo, who has never featured in Pokémon games. This incident was a rage and many audiences were shouting at Toby Moore. This incident was also the root cause for Frodo being a Pokemon in Pokemon games.

Does Frodo Die?

No, Frodo doesn’t die as he chose to leave the city after completing all missions. At the end of LotR, it’s also revealed that Frodo had chosen to live a new life in another city with new people. Frodo departed for new city along with his companions as well. No one exactly knows about Frodo after the last events in Lotr. But fans believe the star is alive and will return again to another franchise.

Why Did Frodo Go to the Undying Lands?

After saving everyone in Middle-Earth and completing challenges, Frodo didn’t find peace in the city. Frodo decided to leave Middle Earth as he was hurt and losing health. Frodo goes to the Undying Lands to heal and recover from pain. It also wished to live a peaceful life.

Will Frodo Make his Debut in Pokemon Games?

No, Frodo doesn’t have any connection with the Pokemon franchise and will not be launched as a character in Pokemon games. But he’s a Pokemon TCG card that also includes skills like Ring of Power, Elvish Stab and Backstab. Though Frodo is not a Pokemon character, he’s always been associated with Lords of the Ring.

The MTG Frodo and Lords of the Fallen: Middle-Earth has had a great bond. Pokemon fans have always wanted Frodo in the game’s battles. Makers of Pokemon haven’t shown interest in adding characters from other games including Lords of the Ring. Those fictional characters from other video games will not make their debuts in the world of Pokemon

That’s everything you need to know about Pokemon Frodo, Undying Lands and MTG Frodo.


Does Frodo Die in the Undying Lands?

Some say Frodo is dead and some say Frodo leads a happy life in the Undying Lands. Based on theories, Frodo is alive in the Undying Lands and living a peaceful life with new people.

What’s the Strategy to Win Pokemon Boss Raids?

Using a legendary Pokemon is important. Also, you have to utilize the strongest skills and battle items for Pokemon. Hidden abilities can be used as well. Pokemon with high stats and CP will be a great pick to defeat bosses in raids. You have to counter the opposing Pokemon with elements that they are vulnerable to to get an advantage.

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Is Jigglypuff a Pokemon?

Is Jigglypuff a Pokemon? Does Jigglypuff Pokemon have evolution? Find out everything about this pink Pokemon.

In Pokemon games, a Pokemon is included in different categories. Pokemon games are inspired by real-life events and there are more than 1000 Pokemon in the Pokedex. A Pokemon has shadow form, evolution and belongs to the Multi-Staged evolution as well. Some Pokemon look like fish and some Pokemon look like creatures. In the Pokemon world, a pink Pokemon is also rare to find just like the baby Pokemon.

Jigglypuff is one of the strongest pink Pokemon that’s available in Gen 1 games. Jigglypuff is a normal and fairy Pokemon from the Kanto region. Also, these fish Pokemon are loved by fans. It’s always known as the Pink or Balloon Pokemon by Pokemon fans. Jigglypuff has an evolution and it’s one of the fan-favorite TCG cards as well. Here’s all about Pokemon Jigglypuff, skills, evolution and weakness.

Pokemon Jigglypuff – Everything You Need to Know

Jigglypuff Pokemon

Jigglypuff is a Kanto region Pokemon. This dual-type Pokemon has powers of Normal and Fairy elements. Jigglypuff utilizes its alluring eyes and lights up eyes to sing a melody song. Jigglypuff songs to lull and make opposite Pokemon sleep. It affects targets with drowsiness by singing a melody song. This is a rare thing that’s happened in Pokemon games

Jigglypuff is a strong attacker with high HP stats. The primary weaknesses for Jigglypuff are Poison and Steel targets. Jigglypuff’s ability to make targets asleep with its song is deemed as a surprise in the Pokemon world.  A Paradox Pokemon in Generation 9 called Scream Tail looks similar to the Jigglypuff.

Pokemon Jigglypuff Moves

Jigglypuff learns movesets through TM and Egg Moves. Jigglypuff also unlocks new skills after leveling up in the game. The best skills for Jigglypuff are,

  • Friend Guard – This reduces damage taken level for all allies and is one of the top skills for Jigglypuff Pokemon 
  • Charm – Jigglypuff charms targets and reduces their attacks by two stages. This is a debuff skill that helps Jigglypuff in raids and boss battles
  • Competitive – This ability increases the Sp. ATK for self and you can launch heavy attacks every second
  • Cute Charm – Units that attack Jigglypuff when the Cute Charm skill is activated will be infatuated 
  • Disarming Voice – The special skill lets out a charming cry and will deal emotional damage to targets. Disarming Voice is mainly used as a hidden skill by Jigglypuff

How to Evolve Jigglypuff?

Jigglypuff has been the main Pokemon in popular games like Scarlet & Violet, Black & White, X & Y, and Red & Blue. Jigglypuff evolves with high friendship levels. Igglybuff evolves into Jigglypuff at a high friendship level. Jigglypuff again evolves into Wigglytuff when the Pokemon is exposed to a Moon Stone.

That’s everything you need to know about Pokemon Jigglypuff skills, evolution and weakness. You can stun targets with the most unpopular Pokemon.


Is Jigglypuff Good for Raids?

Jigglypuff is a good counter for PvP raids and trainer battles in the game. But you can avoid picking this Pokemon for boss raid battles as it’s not a legendary unit. Jigglypuff can be used for gym battles or trainers can use it with other Pokemon during special events.

What’s the Strategy to Win Pokemon Boss Raids?

Using a legendary Pokemon is important. Also, you have to utilize the strongest skills and battle items for Pokemon. Hidden abilities can be used as well. Pokemon with high stats and CP will be a great pick to defeat bosses in raids. You have to counter the opposing Pokemon with elements that they are vulnerable to to get an advantage.

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Easiest Pokemon Blacephalon Raid Guide You Need

Do you want to find the best strategies to beat the Pokemon Blacephalon Raid? Find out the top counters and movesets to beat this ultra beast.

In Pokemon games, there are many legendary Pokemon. These Ultra Beasts Pokemon will appear in special raids. Blacephalon is a powerful Ultra Beast and it usually appears in the Tier 5 battles. In the new World of Wonders season, Blacephalon appears as a five-star raid boss. Completing raid battles is challenging in Pokemon Go as you have to deploy the best strategies and use the strongest counters as well.

Blacephalon, the Legendary Fire and Ghost Pokemon is a raging attacker in Pokemon Go. Though the unit is strong in attacks, you can exploit its poor weakness and dominate the raid. Blacephalon makes its debut through the Ultra Space Wonders event and the Ultra Beast first appears to trainers in the Western Hemisphere. Here’s all about Pokemon Blacephalon raid, counters and moves.

Pokemon Blacephalon Raid & Counters

Pokemon Blacephalon Raid

Blacephalon is a dual-type Pokemon and trainers have to overcome its heavy attacks and special skills. To defeat Blacephalon, you have to unleash Pokemon that has the powers of Dark, Water, Ghost, Ground and Rock. Here are the top counters to beat the Pokemon Blacephalon Raid,

Shadow Tyranitar

The Rock and Dark Pokemon has great experience in tier raid battles. Shadow Tyranitar is an excellent pick against the Blacephalon Pokemon. With high CP and stats, Shadow Tyranitar is the top counter. The pocket monster doubles damage during Fog and Partly Cloudy weather.

  • Best Skills – Bite, Smackdown, Brutal Swing

Primal Kyogre 

The Primal form of Kyogre is a legendary Water-type. With insane attacks and high stamina, Primal Kyogre can stun raid bosses and win battles.

  • Best Skills – Surf, Waterfall, Origin Pulse, Hydro Pump

Primal Groudon 

Primal Groudon is a legendary beast and has the powers of Ground and Fire. It inflicts severe damage from all ranges and can be your trump card to defeat the Blacephalon boss. It’s best used during the sunny weather.

  • Best Skills – Precipice Blades, Mud Shot, Fire Blast, Earthquake, Dragon Tail

Mega Gengar

Pokemon with the powers of Ghost and Poison are always stronger. Mega Gengar attacks faster from any range and gets double damage during Fog and Cloudy weather. Mega Gengar has always been the top pick for raid battles in the game and will be lethal against the Blacephalon Pokemon. The mighty Mega Gengar will be an ideal counter to win the Blacephalon Raid.

  • Best Skills – Lick, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Shadow Claw

Shadow Rampardos

A Rock-type Pokemon is a strong offensive unit. The shadow form of Rampardos is a monstrous unit with great all-round stats and this is one of the strongest tanks in Pokemon Go. If it’s partly weather, the full potential of Shadow Rampardos will be unleashed.

  • Best Skills – Smack Down, Rock Slide

These are the 5 best counters to beat the Blacephalon Pokemon in raid battles. Blacephalon is a menacing unit and deals lethal damage. You have to use the special abilities and battle items to beat this five-star raid boss in the challenge.


Is it Hard to Beat Pokemon Blacephalon?

Blacephalon is an ultra beast with powerful moves. This Pokemon appears in popular games like Pokemon Go, and Pokemon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon. To beat the Blacephalon Raid, you have to use the top counters, moves and strategies.

Is Necrozma Good?

Yes, Necrozma is an S-ranked pocket monster in Pokemon Go. This Pokemon has high ATK and gets boosted stats during the windy weather. Psychic type Pokemon are strong attackers and Necrozma will be a great pick for raids, gym leader battles and go battle leagues. Trainers can hunt a shiny Necrozma as well.

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Is Dragon cheer the best new raid move in Pokémon?

Is Dragon Cheer good in Pokemon games? How to use the Dragon Cheer skill? Scroll down and find everything.

In Pokemon games, trainers prefer to pick Dragon and Fire units on priority. These types are strong attackers and can be used for Pokemon raid battles. A Dragon-type Pokemon looks menacing and deals massive damage every second. Dragon-type Pokemon can utilize the best dragon skills to power-up their builds. Dragon Cheer is one of the best Dragon-type abilities in the Pokemon franchise.

Dragon Cheer is available in Gen 9 games and Pokemon can unlock this moveset through TM. Dragon Cheer can be used as a skill and special status effect as well. Chilling Water is another skill that’s used as an ability and status effect. Some say dragon cheer is the best skill in Pokemon games. Here’s all about Pokemon Dragon Cheer skill, effects and the best Pokemon.

Pokemon Dragon Cheer Move 

Dragon Cheer is primarily used by Dragon-type units in Gen 9 games like Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. It grants multiple buffs to Pokemon and can be used for raids and gym battles. Here’s how the Dragon Cheer skill works,

  • Pokemon with the Dragon Cheer will raise the morale for its allies with a draconic cry. This will increase the chances of landing critical hits and it also rouses dragon types more
  • Dragon Cheer increases crit hits for allies by one stage and it will increase it by two stages if the Pokemon is a Dragon-type

That’s how the Dragon Cheer skill works. Pokemon that excel in critical attacks will get a huge advantage from this moveset. This skill can be used in all Pokemon raids including gym battles.

How to Unlock Pokemon Dragon Cheer Ability?

The Dragon Cheer skill can only be unlocked through TM. Some Pokemon learn skills by evolution and TR. But, you can learn the Dragon Cheer by Technical Machine (TM). Dragon Cheer is a great offensive skill and it has a high accuracy. Dragon Cheer is a powerful move in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet just like the Hard Press ability.

Which is the Best Pokemon to Use Dragon Cheer?

Many Pokemon in the Pokedex use the Dragon Cheer skill. It’s mainly used by Pokemon to buff allies during battles. In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, these Pokemon can make use of the ability,

  • Charizard 
  • Flygon
  • Salamence 
  • Lapras
  • Sceptile
  • Bagon
  • Goodra
  • Kyurem
  • Gabite
  • Cranidos

That’s everything you need to know about the Pokemon Dragon Cheer skill, effects and Pokemon. With skills like Dragon Cheer and Reckless, you can dominate the raids.


Is Dragon Cheer the Best Skill in Pokemon?

Dragon Cheer is an S-ranked moveset and grants many buffs. It’s also one of the best dragon skills in the Pokemon franchise. Dragon, Fire, Fighting and Rock type Pokemon can use this moveset.

Can you Use Dragon Cheer Ability for Boss Raids?

Yes, Dragon Cheer is an idle skill to use for raids and boss battles in Pokemon games. It enhances your abilities and increases the chances of winning raids. A top-tier offensive skill that goes well with units that are strong in critical attacks.

Are Dragon Pokemon good for raids?

Dragon-type Pokemon are the best when it comes to attacking. These offensive units can win raids and gym battles in solo. A Dragon Pokemon can unleash raging attacks and burn targets with their skills. Dragon-type Pokemon is resistant to many attacks and is a top pick for the game’s battles.

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How to Use Avalanche in Pokemon Battles: Top Strategies

Avalanche Pokemon move is one of the best moves you can use in the battles. But which pokemon should you use with it? We are here with the complete Avalanche move guide.

The Ice-type move Avalanche, which was added in Generation IV, is a very useful tool for any Pokemon Trainer. Learning how to use Avalanche well can help you a lot in battle, whether you’re playing the main series games or Pokemon GO. To make the most of this move and win battles, let’s look at the best strategies.


Why is Avalanche a Game-Changer?

You can only use Avalanche if you have already been hit by the target in the same turn. This makes it one of a kind among Ice-type moves. Because of this, it’s a great move for counterattacking and striking opponents who are brave enough to attack first. To use Avalanche successfully, you need to understand how this feature works.

Which Pokemon Should Wield Avalanche?

Not all Pokemon are created equal when it comes to using Avalanche. Here are some top contenders that excel with this move:

Shadow Mamoswine

Shadow Mamoswine
Pokemon Shadow Mamoswine

Shadow Mamoswine, with its Ground/Ice typing, is a beast with Avalanche. Pairing its high attack stats with Mud-Slap and Avalanche creates a devastating combo that can take down a variety of foes. Its Shadow variant increases its damage output even further, making it one of the best choices for utilizing Avalanche.

Shadow Weavile

Shadow Weavile
Shadow Weavile

Pokemon Shadow Weavile’s Dark/Ice typing and high speed make it a formidable opponent. Using Snarl to quickly generate energy, it can unleash Avalanche to deliver heavy damage, especially against Dragon, Flying, and Ground types.


Pokemon Baxcalibur

Baxcalibur, with Dragon Breath and Avalanche, offers a unique combination of Dragon and Ice-type attacks. This setup allows it to counter a wide range of opponents, particularly those weak to Ice moves like Dragon and Grass types.

How Effective is Avalanche Against Different Types?

Knowing your matchups is crucial in Pokemon battles. Here’s how Avalanche fares against various types:

  • Super Effective (1.6x damage): Flying, Ground, Grass, Dragon
  • Not Very Effective (0.6x damage): Steel, Fire, Water, Ice

Using Avalanche against types it’s strong against can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Be cautious when facing Steel, Fire, Water, and other Ice types, as Avalanche will deal reduced damage.

Strategies for Main Series Games

Timing is Everything

Avalanche’s unique mechanic, doubling its power if the user is hit first, means timing is crucial. Use it on a bulky Pokemon that can take a hit and retaliate with double the force. Pokemon with high defense and HP stats are ideal candidates.

Synergy with Abilities and Moves

Combining Avalanche with abilities like Sturdy or moves like Protect can create devastating setups. For example, use Protect to ensure your Pokemon takes a hit first, then retaliate with a powered-up Avalanche.

Mastering Avalanche in Pokemon GO

Avalanche Pokemon move
Avalanche Pokemon move

Gym and Raid Battles

In Gym and Raid battles, Avalanche costs 50 energy and deals 90 damage, making it an efficient choice for quick and powerful strikes. Using Pokemon like Shadow Mamoswine and Shadow Weavile, which can quickly generate energy, allows for frequent use of Avalanche, maximizing your damage output.

GO Battle League

In the GO Battle League, where strategy and quick thinking are key, Avalanche’s 45 energy cost and 90 damage make it a valuable move. Use fast energy-generating moves to unleash Avalanche quickly and catch your opponent off guard.

Pro Tips for Using Avalanche Pokemon Move

Predict Opponent’s Moves

Anticipating your opponent’s moves and timing Avalanche correctly can lead to massive damage. Use Pokemon with high defensive stats to absorb hits and retaliate with double-powered Avalanche.

Coverage Moves

Pair Avalanche with moves that cover its weaknesses. For example, pairing it with a strong Ground or Rock-type move can help deal with Steel and Fire types that resist Ice moves.

Build a Balanced Team

Incorporate Pokemon with Avalanche into a well-rounded team. Ensure you have coverage for different types and roles, such as tanks, sweepers, and support Pokemon.

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Secrets to Get Annihilape Evolution Successfully in Pokemon Go

Are you struggling to complete the evolution for Pokemon Go Annihilape? Find out the best ways to evolve this pocket monster.

Catching pocket monsters in Pokemon Go is done in different ways. You can complete raids or catch them in the wild. Also, there are many Multi-Staged evolution Pokemon. A Pokemon’s evolution is done in different ways. You can use battle items like Candy or Sun Stone. But there are many wild Pokemon that can only be evolved by completing some objectives. In the Pokedex, the evolution for Annihilape is done in a different way.

Annihilape is a monstrous Pokemon that has the powers of Fighting and Ghost elements. This Pokemon is also effective for Go Battle Leagues. With high CP and experience, Annihilape is a top-tier unit in the game. Annihilape is the final form of Mankey and unlocking this Pokemon can be challenging. Here’s all about Pokemon Go Annihilape and ways to complete its evolution.

Tips to Complete Annihilape Evolution in Pokemon Go

To unlock Annihilape in Pokemon Go, you have to catch a Mankey in the wild. You have to use 50 Mankey candies and evolve it into Primeape. You have to evolve Primeape to unlock Annihilape. Here’s how you can evolve it,

Pokemon Go annihilape evolution
  • Spend 100 candy to evolve Annihilape from Primeape 
  • You have to defeat 30 Psychic-type Pokemon and 100 Ghost-type Pokemon to complete the evolution for Annihilape

That’s how you can evolve Primeape into Annihilape. You have to battle pocket monsters and accumulate candies to unlock the Fighting and Ghost Pokemon. Walking with buddy Pokemon and completing raids are the best way to earn unlimited candies in the game.

When Does Primeape Learn Rage Fist?

Rage Fist, the ghost-type physical moveset is the strongest skill for Annihilape and Primeape Pokemon. Annihilape learns the Rage Fist ability at Level 35. Rage Fist increases damage whenever the Pokemon is hit.

How to Evolve Primeape?

After catching Mankey in Pokemon Go battles, you can evolve it into Primeape by spending 50 candies. Primeape is a strong offensive unit and can be used for PvP raids and trainer battles.

How to Get Annihilape?

Trainers can unlock Annihilape by completing the Primeape evolution. Also, you have to beat Ghost and Psychic-type Pokemon.  You can defeat these types of Pokemon with Dark, Grass and Normal Pokemon.

Is Annihilape Good?

Yes, Annihilape is a top-tier All-Rounder in Pokemon Go. It deals Fighting and Ghost damage. Annihilape is effective against Cloudy and Fog units. Annihilape is weak against Mega Rayquaza, Mega Gengar and Mega Gardevoir. These are the best counters to beat this Pokemon. The best skills for Annihilape are,

  • Shadow Ball – The ghost-type charge move deals more than 100 dps and can be used for raid battles
  • Low Kick – The fighting-type fast move attacks faster
  • Counter – Another fighting-type moveset that inflicts massive damage. Low Kick is best used against tanks and this skill is a great pick for boss raid battles.
  • Ice Punch – This Ice-type charge move works well in tier raid battles. This skill will freeze targets and unleash damage for 20 seconds.

That’s everything you need to know about Pokemon Go Annihilape Evolution, Moves and Counters. During special events in Pokemon Go, you can catch the strongest Pokemon from the wild.


How to Collect Candy in Pokemon Go?

Candy is an in-game resource and currency in Pokemon Go. Trainers can earn unlimited candies by completing PvP raids, boss raids and five-star battles. Using berries to catch Pokemon doubles candies and you can evolve Pokemon to get more candies. With candies, you can evolve Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Catching Pokemon is the best method to farm candies.

Is Pokemon Go Free-to-play?

Yes, Pokemon Go is a free-to-play AR and RPG adventure for Android and iOS. In this colorful Pokemon game, you will play as a trainer and explore locations in the wild and real-world to catch different types of Pokemon to your party.

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Easiest Way for Pokemon Go Dragonite Evolution

The evolution of Pokemon Go Dragonite can be challenging. Find out the best ways to evolve Dragonite.

Pokemon Go is an amazing battle adventure game. In this AR and RPG, trainers explore the wild regions and catch Pokemon monsters using battle items. There are thousands of units and many have powers of two elements. These dual-type Pokemon are always stronger and can be primarily used for boss raid battles in the game. Dragonite is an S-ranked dual-type Pokemon in Pokemon Go. It is a Gen 1 pocket monster and it’s mostly found in the Kanto region.

Dragonite is the final evolution form of Dratini. Evolving Dragonite is easy and you have to catch a Dratini to unlock this Pokemon. Dragonite breathes fire and deals heavy damage frequently. Dragonite also has a Shiny form and it gets boosted stats during windy weather. Here’s all about Pokemon Go Dragonite and tips to complete evolution.

Pokemon Go Dragonite Evolution

To unlock Dragonite, you have to catch a Dratini in the wild. The spawn rate for Dratini is low and you can frequently find it during battle days. Here’s how you can complete evolution for Dragonite,

  • Spend 25 candies and evolve Dratini into Dragonair 
  • With 100 candies, you can evolve Dragonair into Dragonite

That’s how you can evolve Dragonite. The evolution is simple and you have to accumulate candies by completing raids.

Is Pokemon Go Dragonite Good?

Pokemon Go Dragonite evolution

Yes, Dragonite is a beast. With excellent stats, Dragonite can be used for gym raids, go battles and PvP battles. Dragonite is strong against many units and it’s also vulnerable to some attacks. Dragonite weakness against Ice-type units can be exploited and it’s also weak against Dragon, Fairy and Rock. The top counters to beat Dragonite are Baxcalibur and Shadow Mamoswine.

What’s the Best Moveset for Pokemon Go Dragonite?

Dragonite has some raging movesets. You can use these skills on priority,

  • Draco Meteor – The Dragon-type charge move is the best skill for Dragonite and it deals more than 150 DPS. Special effects of Draco Meteor will reduce the attacks of targets 
  • Outrage – Another Dragon-type charge move that inflicts massive damage
  • Dragon Tail – This is an ideal skill for Dragonite during PvP raids
  • Hurricane – The Flying-type charge ability deals 100 dps on average and is a powerful skill without any special effects

That’s everything you need to know about Pokemon Go Dragonite evolution, skills and counters. With a beast like Dragonite, it’s easy to dominate the boss raid battles in the game 


Can you Beat Boss Raids with Dragonite?

Yes, Dragonite breathes fire and is a monstrous pocket monster in Pokemon Go. It has high stats and top movesets to counter opponents and win raids.

Is Shiny Rotom Available in Pokemon Go?

Yes, there’s a shiny version of Pokemon Go Rotom. Trainers can participate in the Sinnoh Tour raids and challenges and unlock Rotom as well. The Sinnoh Tour event can be unlocked through a redemption code.

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Hard Press Pokemon Move: Strategies and Techniques for Dominance

Can you use Hard Press skill in Pokemon raid battles? Is Hard Press good? Find out everything.

In Pokemon games, every Pokemon has an iconic move. Fire-type units pick skills that inflict burn effects, poison-type units unleash poison effects and Steel-type units like to utilize moves that enhance their attacks. Hard Press is a Steel-type move that’s available in Gen 9 Pokemon games like Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Hard Press is a Physical skill and one of the best moves for Pokemon with the steel element.

Having a Steel-type ability is an advantage for your Pokemon. This move attacks targets that are straight and adjacent. Be it the Victory Dance move or Hard Press, these boost your chances of winning raids. Hard Press is an incredible skill just like the Pokemon Reckless ability. Here’s all about Hard Press skill, effects and units that use this ability.

Pokemon Hard Press Moveset – Everything You Need to Know

Hard Press is a Generation 9 skill in Pokemon games. You can learn this move through TM. Hard Press is a strong offensive skill with the steel element. This physical skill can be used by Pokemon that are strong in offense. Here’s how the Hard Press skill works,

  • Hard Press inflicts damage in long range and stuns targets throughout the combat . It attacks harder and reduces the energy for opposite Pokemon
  • Hard Press crushes targets with arm and claw. The skill doubles the damage for Pokemon for a short time.
  • Enemies that have high hp will receive massive attacks through this skill 
  • Hard Press attacks Pokemon that area adjacent, straight, and close

Which Pokemon Uses Hard Press?

Many Pokemon in Generation 9 use this Steel-type moveset. Units in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet learn Hard Press through TM225. Here are the best Pokemon that can use Hard Press as their main skill,

  • Metagross 
  • Registeel 
  • Emboar
  • Archaludon
  • Shieldon

Can Non-Steel Type Pokemon Use Hard Press Skill?

Though Hard Press is a Steel-type unit, it can be used by other Pokemon as well. Hard Press can be used by units with powers of Rock, Psychic and Dragon. This skill is best used for Pokemon that are attackers. Also, defenders can use Hard Press to boost their attacks in raids. Pokemon with low atk stats will get the best from this skill.

Is Hard Press the Best Skill of All-time?

Hard Press is a top-tier move set for units. In the Pokemon universe, there are thousands of skills. When it comes to Steel-type, Hard Press is a top-tier ability. Hard Press works well for PvP raids and gym battles. This is one of the best offensive skills for Pokemon with steel powers and it charges through enemies and destroys them.

That’s everything you need to know about the Pokemon Hard Press skill, effects and best Pokemon. In Pokemon games, abilities like Reckless and Victory Dance have always been efficient. These skills have always been in the list of top 100 Pokemon skills of all-time.


Does Moveset Help in Pokemon Raids?

A Pokemon’s powers will double with movesets. These skills grant bonus buffs and status ailment effects. With moves, you can dominate Pokemon battles easily.

Is it Hard to Encounter a Shiny Pokemon?

Shiny Pokemon rarely spawns in the wild. The spawning rate for these forms are low when compared to the normal wild Pokemon. But you can use berries and incense to boost your chances of getting a shiny Pokemon in the game.

How to Win Pokemon Raids?

Using a legendary Pokemon is important to win boss raids. Also, you have to utilize the strongest skills and battle items for Pokemon. Hidden abilities can be used as well. Pokemon with high stats and CP will be a great pick to defeat bosses in raids. You have to counter the opposing Pokemon with elements that they are vulnerable to to get an advantage.

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How to Evolve Tinkatuff Pokemon? Use This Simple Trick

Are you struggling to complete Pokemon Tinkatuff Evolution? Is Tinkatuff good for raids? Find out everything.

Pokemon games are strategy-based. You have to play as a trainer and catch the strongest Pokemon from the wild. Many Pokemon have shadow forms and evolutions. Some pokemon have multiple powers. These are called dual-type Pokemon. Tinkatuff is a Fairy and Steel Pokemon launched in Gen 9 games.

Tinkatuff has an evolution form and is a rare species in the Pokedex. Evolving a Pokemon is done in many ways. You can complete an evolution at a higher level, use battle items and catch an evolution form of a Pokemon through raids. Here’s all about Pokemon Tinkatuff and ways to evolve this pocket monster.

Pokemon Tinkatuff Evolution 

Pokemon Tinkatuff Evolution
Tinkatuff in battle

Tinkatuff is a powerful Fairy and Steel unit. The evolution of Tinkatuff is done in different ways in Pokemon games. Here’s how you can easily evolve Pokemon Tinkatuff,

  • Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – Tinkatink, the first form of Tinkatuff evolves into Tinkatuff at level 24. Tinkatuff evolves into Tinkaton at level 38
  • Pokemon Go – Tinkatink evolves into Tinkatuff with 25 candies. Tinkatuff again evolves into Tinkaton with 100 candies

That’s how you can complete the evolution for Tinkatuff on Pokemon games. Tinkatuff is a defender and can move faster. The Tinkaton serebii page states the Pokemon will launch attacks on groups of Pawniard and Bisharp and craft hammers by extracting metals. Tinkatuff uses metals to craft their homes. Tinkaton Pokemon test their skills by smashing hammers together on a rock.

Is Tinktatuff good in Pokemon Go?

In Pokemon Go, Tinkatuff is only recommended for PvP battles. You can catch this as a wild Pokemon and use it for raids. Tinkatuff gets boosted stats during Cloudy and Snow weather. The final form, Tinkaton, is a beast and can be used for Go Battle Leagues in the game. You can unleash Tinkatuff along with other best Pokemon to win raids efficiently

What’s the best Skill for Tinkatuff?

Every Pokemon can use special skills and hidden skills. Tinkatuff has tons of skills in its kit. Here are the top skills to use for Tinkatuff in Pokemon raids and boss battles,

  • Fairy Wind – The special fairy-type skill deals heavy damage without any added effects. Pokemon stirs up a fairy wind and stuns its targets
  • Metal Claw – This Steel-type Physical skill has great accuracy and increases attacks by 20%. Metal Claw utilizes a claw attack and demolishes nearby targets
  • Sweet Kiss – This is a status ailment effect that makes targets confused. Pokemon that are affected by Sweet Kiss will start hurting self
  • Flash Cannon – Another special Steel-type skill that deals damage and reduces Sp. Def for targets. Flash Cannon is primarily used as a debuff to negate enemy’s defense for a short time

That’s everything you need to know about Pokemon Tinkatuff evolution level, methods and skills. Just like Ceruledge Pokemon, this unit also has a unique evolution.


How to Get Pokemon Go Candy?

Candy is an in-game resource and currency in Pokemon Go. Trainers can earn unlimited candies by completing PvP raids, boss raids and five-star battles. Using berries to catch Pokemon doubles candies and you can evolve Pokemon to get more candies. With candies, you can evolve Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Catching Pokemon is the best method to farm candies.

Is Evolution Pokemon Good for Raids?

A Pokemon’s evolution form has bonus stats and high powers. These Pokemon are always stronger than Pokemon in their base forms and can be used for boss raids.

What’s the Strategy to Win Pokemon Boss Raids?

Using a legendary Pokemon is important. Also, you have to utilize the strongest skills and battle items for Pokemon. Hidden abilities can be used as well. Pokemon with high stats and CP will be a great pick to defeat bosses in raids. You have to counter the opposing Pokemon with elements that they are vulnerable to to get an advantage.

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Chilling Water Pokemon Move: How to Dominate with Ice-Cold Attacks

Is Chilling Water skill good for Water-type Pokemon? How does this moveset work? Find out everything about this powerful ability.

In the Pokemon universe, trainers can use tons of moves for their Pokemon. A Pokemon can use skills that match its element. Fairy-type can use fairy skills and fire Pokemon can use fire-type moves. To counter fire-type Pokemon, the best strategy is to use Water-type abilities.

Chilling Water is one of the strongest skills for Water-type Pokemon and grants multiple buffs. Chilling Water is available for Gen 9 Pokemon games. The advantage of using this skill is it has high accuracy and it can also be used as a status ailment. Pokemon can unlock the Chilling Water skill in multiple ways. Here’s all about chilling water Pokemon move and ways to utilize this ability in battles.

Pokemon Chilling Water Move 

Pokemon chilling water
Chilling Water skill

Water-type units are the best counters against fire and rock Pokemon. In Pokemon games, there are thousands of water skills with unique effects. Chilling Water is a stunning moveset that excels against adjacent targets. Here’s how you can use this Water-type move,

  • Pokemon with Chilling Water attacks enemies by splashing cold water and stuns them for 10 seconds
  • Chilling Water inflicts heavy damage in range and also reduces the enemy’s attacks by one stage

How to Unlock Chilling Water?

In Pokemon games, trainers unlock movesets through evolution and TM. Also, you can learn Pokemon moves through TR. Some Pokemon will get moves from level 1. Chilling Water is available to Pokemon  through the TM items in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Which Pokemon Uses Chilling Water?

Chilling Water is primarily used by Ice and Water-type Pokemon. In the Pokedex , many Pokemon use this ability and they learn it through TM. After completing some gym leader battles, you can claim it from the professor. The best Pokemon to use Chilling Water skill are,

  • Wigglytuff
  • Ninetales
  • Vulpix 
  • Jigglypuff
  • Wartortle

Is Chilling Water Skill Good?

Chilling Water skill is effective against fire Pokemon. Fire Pokemon can burn targets and stun anyone for a long time. The only way to to overcome fire attacks is to deploy Water-type moveset. This moveset can be used for trainer battles and PvP raids. Chilling Water is also one of the strongest Water-type attacks in the Pokemon universe. With the best teams and strategies, the Chilling Water can be utilized.

That’s everything you need to Know about Pokemon chilling water moveset and effects. The chilling water is a good offensive skill like the Reckless Ability.


Is Chilling Water Effective for Raids?

The chilling water skill can be used for all types of raids and boss battles. To win difficult challenges in Pokemon games, you have to use these types of skills.

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