Are you struggling to beat the Seviper raid in Pokemon Go? Here are the strongest counters and skills that will help you overcome the challenge.
Completing Pokemon Go tier raid battles is a challenge. The new Shared Skies season has started. Players can embark on a new journey and take part in field research tasks, special research tasks and events. Also, three-star raid battles are back and trainers have a chance to defeat and catch Seviper in three-star raid battles.
Seviper is a poison-type Pokemon from the Hoenn region. Seviper’s strength is its atk, speed and stamina. Trainers can exploit its poor damage and win the 3-star raid boss challenge easily. A strong offensive Pokemon helps you defeat the Seviper. Here’s all about Pokemon Go Seviper raid, counters and moves.
Pokemon Go Seviper Raid
Seviper Pokemon
Pokemon Go trainers can unleash Ground and Psychic Pokemon to beat the Seviper raid. The Pokemon is vulnerable against these elements and it gets higher during boss raids.
Shadow Gallade
With great records in tier 3 raid battles, the All-Rounder from the Sinnoh region is one of the strong counters against Seviper. Shadow Gallade gets boosted by Windy and Cloudy weather.
Close Combat (Charged Attack) – The Fighting skill increases damage up to 100 and it also reduces defense of targets by 30%
Psycho Cut (Fast Attack) – Psycho Cut is the main Psychic-type skill for the Pokemon
Hoopa Unbound
Trainers who have Hoopa Unbound can win the Seviper raid efficiently. The mythical Pokemon deals Psychic and Dark damage. Hoopa Unbound is a heavy tank with raging moves and attacks that are boosted during Windy and Fog weather.
Dark Pulse (Charged Attack) – This dark-type skill works well during boss raids
Psychic (Charged Attack) – The Psychic skill deals 90 damage per second and it also debuffs enemy’s defense for a short time
Shadow Latios
The combination of Dragon and Psychic Pokemon is lethal. Shadow Lethal is a strong offensive unit and has excelled in PvP raids. The Windy weather boost enhances the powers for the pocket monster.
Luster Purge (Charged Attack) – The special psychic skill will increase the damage rate and negates enemy’s defense by 20%
Dragon Breath (Fast Attack) – Dragon Breathe is a dragon skill and this unleashes heavy attacks every second
Mega Rayquaza
Mega Rayquaza is a top-tier tank. The Dragon and Flying Pokemon is deemed as the strongest offensive unit in the game. Mega Rayquaza inflicts heavy damage and drains the enemy’s defense quickly. The Pokemon also has plenty of special skills that can tackle Seviper’s moves.
Outrage (Charged Attack)- the Dragon-type ability doubles the dps for the unit
Dragon Ascent (Charged Attack) – The Flying skill is the primary ability and this deals over 140 dps and reduces the defense for targets
Hurricane (Charged Attack) – Hurricane is a special skill and one of the strongest Flying-type moves. It deals more than 100 dps
Shadow Magmortar
Shadow form of Magmortar is an all-rounder that deals fire damage. It with high CP excels in tier raid battles. The Sunny weather boost is an added advantage for your fire-type offensive Pokemon.
Fire Spin (Fast Attack) – Fire Spin burns targets and is the best fire-type skill
Fire Punch (Charged Attack) – Fire Punch is another excellent fire-type moveset that increases damage gradually
Shadow Donphan
The Ground-type Pokemon gets boosted stats in its shadow form. Shadow Donphan’s resistance against Seviper makes it an automatic pick and its skills will increase during the Sunny weather.
Earthquake (Charged Attack) – Earthquake demolishes targets with its fiery attacks and the Ground-type skill can be used on priority
Mud-Slap (Fast Attack) – Mud-Slap is another effective Ground-type skill
Golem is a great sub-DPS pick. It is a Rock and Ground-type Pokemon with a great track record in boss raids. Trainers can unleash Golem during Sunny and Partly Cloudy weather.
Ancient Power (Charged Attack) – The Rock-type skill increases both attacks and defense and can be used primarily
Earthquake (Charged Attack) – The Ground-type skill with 140 DPS will be a great skill for golem
With these skills and counters, you can win the Seviper raid in Pokemon Go. Seviper is a strong offensive unit and it’s a good pick for PvP raids. Community day event is back in the new season and trainers can catch rare wild Pokemon.
How yo Catch Pokemon Go Seviper?
Seviper doesn’t appear in the wild. Pokemon Go trainers can catch Seviper during special events, 3 star tier raid battles, Spotlight hours and more. You have to use incense and lure modules while catching one.
Candy is an in-game resource and currency in Pokemon Go. Trainers can earn unlimited candies by completing PvP raids, boss raids and five-star battles. Using berries to catch Pokemon doubles candies and you can evolve Pokemon to get more candies. With candies, you can evolve Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Catching Pokemon is the best method to farm candies.
Are you struggling to catch Pokemon Go Zapdos? Then, find the most effective ways to encounter this dual-type Pokemon.
Pokemon Go Shared Skies season starts with lots of challenges and events. Trainers will be able to maximize wild spawns and unlock rare Pokemon through tier raid battles. The Nosepass raid is available and trainers can hunt shiny Pokemon as well. Staravia, the Normal and Flying Pokemon, is available through special events. Trainers can participate in Stadium Sights and other events to unlock this pocket monster.
Staravia is a Sinnoh region Generation 4 Pokemon. The catch rate for Staravia is low and trainers have struggled to catch one. The new season features Staravia with a boosted drop rate. The Shared Skies season includes lots of wild spawns for trainers. Here’s all about Pokemon Go Staravia and ways to catch this unit.
Tips to Obtain Pokemon Go Staravia
Staravia rarely appears in the wild and you have to cover lots of distance with your buddy Pokemon to find one. Catching this has been a challenge for Pokemon Go trainers. Here are the best ways to catch Staravia,
Explore the wild during battle days and get a Staravia by using battle items
Take part in tier raids and win the battle to add the Pokemon to your party
You can unlock Staravia through trades
These are the primary ways to catch Staravia in the game. Staravia can’t be hatched through eggs. You can use battle items including incense and lure modules to boost the chance of catching one. Staravia has an evolution and you can spend 100 candies to evolve it into Staraptor.
How to Get a Shiny Staravia?
The spawn rate for Shiny Staravia is less. Chances will be 1/20 and trainers have to use battle items and catch more wild spawns during battle days in the shared skies event. After encountering multiple Staravia, you will be able to hunt down its shiny form.
Is Pokemon Go Staravia Good?
Staravia is not a legendary Pokemon. This normal and flying Pokemon can be used for gym battles and PvE raids. Staravia excels during Partly and Windy weather as it gets double damage buff. Trainers can counter Staravia with Pokemon like Mega Diancie, Zekrom and Mega Diancie. The best moves of Staravia are,
Quick Attack (Fast Attack) – The normal type skill is ideal for Staravia’s playing style
Wing Attack (Fast Attack) – Wing Attack is a flying move that enhances damage
Fly (Charged Attack) – Another flying skill that inflicts heavy damage in both raids and gym battles
Brave Bird (Charged Attack) – Brave Bird is an incredible flying moveset that deals more than 180 dps in all raids and reduces enemy’s defense by 42%
Aerial Ace (Charged Attack) – This flying skill is ideal for PvP battles as it boosts damage for the unit
That’s everything you need to know about the best tricks to catch and use Pokemon Go Staravia. This pocket monster will be a great addition to your Pokedex and it can be effective in gym raids and PvE battles.
How to Get Pokemon Go Legendary Pokemon?
Using a legendary Pokemon is important. Also, you have to utilize the strongest skills and battle items for Pokemon. Hidden abilities can be used as well. Pokemon with high stats and CP will be a great pick to defeat bosses in raids. You have to counter the opposing Pokemon with elements that they are vulnerable to to get an advantage.
Is Catching Shiny Pokemon Difficult?
Shiny Pokemon rarely spawns in the wild. The spawning rate for these forms are low when compared to the normal wild Pokemon. But you can use berries and incense to boost your chances of getting a shiny Pokemon in the game.
Do you want to find the best ways to catch and defeat Regirock in Pokemon Go? Scroll down and find everything.
Pokemon Go Shared Skies season has begun and new five-star battles are out along with special events. Regirock, the tier 5 raid boss, is featured in five-star battles. Regirock is one of the strongest Rock-type defenders in the game. Defeating a legendary unit is never easy for trainers as you have to utilize the best builds of a Pokemon.
Regirock is not a strong attacker, but the high defense makes it hard for players to inflict damage. Going with top moves and Pokemon with a high CP will be the best strategy for the Regirock raid. Join 3 or 4 trainers helps you defeat the Regirock easily. Here’s all about Pokemon Go Regirock raid, counters and skills.
Pokemon Go Regirock Raid
Regirock Pokemon
Regirock is a legendary Rock-type unit. The best counters are Fighting, Grass, and Water. Pokemon with steel and ground powers can be used as well. Here are the recommended Pokemon and skills to beat the Regirock raid in the new season,
Mega Sceptile
Mega Sceptile is a Grass and Dragon Pokemon. It’s a strong attacking unit and has a high winning rate in Pokemon Go tier battles. The Mega form of Sceptile is a beast and it gets double stats during Windy and Sunny weather.
Frenzy Plant (Charged Attack) – With this Grass-type skill, the damage stats get better for Mega Sceptile
Fury Cutter (Fast Attack) – The bug-type move is another powerful skill for the five-star battle
Breaking Swipe (Charged Attack) – Breaking Swipe Buffs your attacks and debuffs enemies attacks by 20%
Mega Swampert
Mega Swampert, the water and ground Pokemon is a bulk and massive tank for raid battles. With high stats and cp, Mega Swampert is a top pick. The Pokemon’s resistance against Rock-type units make it one of the best counters to beat Regirock. The advantage of picking Mega Swampert is the Pokemon’s ability to fight during both rain and sunny weather.
Mud Shot (Fast Attack) – The Ground-type skill is the main moveset for Mega Swampert and it deals heavy damage throughout the raid
Muddy Water (Charged Attack) – The Water-type move reduces defense for targets and enhances attacks for self
Shadow Excadrill
Shadow Excadrill is an S-ranked Pokemon. With the powers of Ground and Steel, this pocket monster is a beast and it performance gets enhanced during Sunny and Snow weather. Though it’s a poor defense, the atk and stamina stats for Shadow Excadrill make it a great option to win the raid against Regirock.
Metal Claw (Fast Attack) – Metal Claw is a Steel-type move and the best skill for Shadow Excadrill
Scorching Sands (Charged Attack) – The Ground-type attack inflicts severe damage and it also debuffs defense for opposite Pokemon by 20%
Primal Groudon
Primal Groudon’s arrival is intimidating for its enemies. It has a stellar record in tier 5 raid battles. Primal Groudon’s resistance against Rock-type moves is higher. It deals Ground and Fire damage. With excellent All-round stats and great accuracy, this Pokemon can destroy its targets.
Precipice Blades (Charged Attack) – The Ground-type charge move increases damage and deals over 130 dps. The charged attack stuns enemies and reduces their defense in no time
Fire Punch (Charged Attack) – The fire skill enhances attacks for your Pokemon
Mega Lopunny
Mega Lopunny is a normal and fighting Pokemon. It has dominated Rock-type units and can be a strong dps to win the raid. It will receive damage buff during Cloudy and Partly Cloudy weather. With great movement speed and attacks, Mega Lopunny is a game changer.
Pound (Fast Attack) – Pound is the primary skill for Mega Lopunny. The normal type moveset attacks harder and stuns the targets
Focus Blast (Charged Attack) – Focus Blast is a fighting skill that helps your Pokemon deal over 140 dps
Hyper Beam (Charged Attack) – Another strong charged attack and this normal type skill unleashes 150 dps
Shadow Ursaluna
The Shadow form of Ursaluna has been an incredible tank. This ground and normal dual-type Pokemon is highly resistant to Rock-type moves. It will be effective during Sunny and Partly Cloudy weather.
High Horsepower (Charged Attack) – High Horsepower is a powerful Ground-type ability that deals more than 120 dps even without special effects
Tackle (Fast Attack) – Tackle is a normal type skill that frequently buffs the attacks
Shadow Exeggutor
Shadow Exeggutor has insane records in tier battles. Known as the best Pokemon from the Kanto region, it deals grass and psychic damage. The Sunny and Windy weather will boost its skills. Shadow Exeggutor doesn’t have high defense, but the Pokémon maximizes its attacks and skills.
Confusion (Fast Attack) – The psychic move stuns targets for a while and launches a massive attack
Seed Bomb (Charged Attack) – The grass-type attack grants a huge damage boost to Shadow Exeggutor
With these counters, you can dominate the Pokemon Go Regirock raid. Also, the Nosepass raid is back for the season.
How to Catch Pokemon Go Regirock?
Regirock spawns in the wild and players can take part in timed field research tasks to get one. Regirock will also appear in tier raid battles. You can obtain Regirock as a trade from friend. Catching Regirock is challenging as the spawn rate is low. You can use razz berries and make curve throws to catch it easily.
How to Get Candy in Pokemon ?
Candy is an in-game resource and currency in Pokemon Go. Trainers can earn unlimited candies by completing PvP raids, boss raids and five-star battles. Using berries to catch Pokemon doubles candies and you can evolve Pokemon to get more candies. With candies, you can evolve Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Catching Pokemon is the best method to farm candies.
Do you want to catch Shiny Zapdos in Pokemon Go? Find out the best ways to catch one.
Pokemon Go is an amazing AR battle adventure. The next season, Shared Skies, has begun. New raids, boss battles and special events are out for the season. Right from the Stadium Sights to Community Day event, trainers can maximize bonuses and catch wild spawns. Zapdos, the five-star raid boss is featured in the new raid and players can catch the Pokemon along with its shiny form.
Zapdos is featured in the tier 5 Legendary raid boss battle and the challenge will only be available for a limited time. Zapdos, the electric and flying Pokemon is a top-tier pick for PvP and Go Battle Leagues. Here’s all about Pokemon Go Zapdos and tips to catch shiny Zapdos.
Steps to Catch Shiny Zapdos in Pokemon Go
Before unlocking the Shiny Zapdos, trainers have to beat Zapdos in a five-star boss raid. Zapdos doesn’t spawn in the wild frequently and it’s not available in gym raids as well, but you can participate in five-star raids to beat Zapdos. After defeating Zapdos, you can add it to the Pokedex.
You can participate in multiple Zapdos raids to increase chances of catching a Shiny Zapdos. Incense, Lure Modules and Daily Adventure can be used to catch the shiny form. The spawn rate for shiny Zapdos has been boosted for the new season. That’s how you can catch Zapdos and its shiny form. This pokemon can be traded as well.
Is Zapdos good for Raids?
Yes, Zapdos is an all-rounder and a legendary Pokemon with the powers of Electric and Flying. The Pokemon gets boosted by rain and windy weather. Zapdos doesn’t have an evolution form and the pocket monster has three different forms including Galarian Shadow Zapdos, Galarian Zapdos and Shadow Zapdos.
How to Win Zapdos Raid?
Zapdos is an ultra beast and you have to join with a trainer to defeat this legendary Pokemon. Ice and Rock Pokemon are strong counters against the Zapdos. The top 3 counters to beat the Zapdos Raid are,
Shadow Rampardos
The Rock-type unit inflicts fiery attacks and gets boosted during Partly Cloudy weather. Shadow Rampardos is a mighty DPS and a strong unit to beat the raid.
Smack Down (Fast Attack) – Smack Down increases attacks and resistance
Rock Slide (Charged Attack) – The Rock-type skill will deal more than 80 dps every second
Shadow Mamoswine
The Ice and Ground Pokemon excels in heavy attacks. You can utilize this Pokémon during snow and sunny weather.
Bulldoze (Charged Attack) – The ground time charged attack grants damage buff and is the main skill for Shadow Mamoswine
Mega Diancie is one of the game’s strongest Mythical Pokemon with powers of Rock and Fairy. It boasts massive stats and is a strong force against its enemies. The Pokemon receives buff during Partly Cloudy and Cloudy weather.
Power Gem (Charged Attack) – Power Gem is a Rock-type ability that increases damage for self
Moonblast (Fairy Attack) – The fairy-type skill will deal more than 130 damage in raid battles and reduce enemy’s attacks by 20%
That’s everything you need to know about Pokemon Go Shiny Zapdos, counters and skills. New events are out and you can claim bonuses and unlock wild spawns.
Is Pokemon Go Necrozma Good?
Yes, Necrozma is an S-ranked pocket monster in Pokemon Go. This Pokemon has high ATK and gets boosted stats during the windy weather. Psychic type Pokemon are strong attackers and Necrozma will be a great pick for raids, gym leader battles and go battle leagues. Trainers can hunt a shiny Necrozma as well.
How to Win Pokemon Go Boss Raids?
Using a legendary Pokemon is important. Also, you have to utilize the strongest skills and battle items for Pokemon. Hidden abilities can be used as well. Pokemon with high stats and CP will be a great pick to defeat bosses in raids. You have to counter the opposing Pokemon with elements that they are vulnerable to to get an advantage.
Are you struggling to complete the Nosepass Raid in Pokemon Go? Find out the top 30 counters to defeat this pocket monster.
Pokemon Go Shared Skies season has started with many new events and challenges. Players can take part in the community day event and play special research tasks. PvP raids and gym battles are back as well. Players can hunt shiny Pokémon in the wild as the spawn rate is boosted. Nosepass, the tier 3 raid boss is back and trainers defeat it in solo or party.
Nosepass is a Rock-type Pokemon from the Hoenn region. Nosepass doesn’t have great stats, but it becomes a beast during battle days and players have found it challenging to defeat this pocket monster. Trainers have to defeat a high CP level nosepass to win the raid. Nosepass is vulnerable against many elements. Here are the top 30 counters to win the Nosepass raid in Pokemon Go.
Pokemon Go Nosepass Raid – 30 Best Counters
Nosepass is a Gen 3 Pokemon that’s available through three-star raids. Nosepass rarely appears in the wild regions. The Pokemon is strong against Fire, Flying, Normal and Poison. Trainers can counter Nosepass with Pokemon that have powers of Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel and Water. Nosepass gets double stats when it’s partly cloudy weather. Here are 30 effective counters that will help you dominate the Nosepass raid in the game,
Nosepassin Pokemon Go
Primal Kyogre
Primal Kyogre is a legendary Water-type Pokemon. It attacks faster and deals over 200 dps. Primal Kyogre is a top counter for all tier raid battles in the game and it’s the best unit to defeat Nosepass.
Origin Pulse – The Water-type charge attack deals over 150 dps and is the top skill for Primal Kyogre
Waterfall – The primary fast attack for Primal Kyogre is Waterfall. This Water-type skill increases damage rapidly
Shadow Swampert
Shadow Swampert is a dual-type beast with powers of Water and Ground. It has excellent stats and accuracy and it unleashes the full potential during rain and sunny weather.
Mud Shot – The Ground-type fast attack enhances attacks
Hydro Cannon – Hydro Cannon is a Water-type charge attack and it’s lethal in raids
The Rock and Fighting Pokemon can destroy Nosepass with its moves. A high CP terrakion will work effectively. Terrakion has great stats and it gets boosted stats during Cloudy and Partly Cloudy weather.
Smack Down – The Rock-type fast move deals heavy damage even without special effects
Double Kick – Double Kick, the fighting type fast attack is another top skill for the raid
Kartana is a legendary Pokemon with the powers of Grass and Steel. The All-Rounder works well during Sunny and Snow weather. Known as the best dps, kartana is another mighty unit to beat the raid
Razor Leaf – Razor Leaf enhances attacks and defense. This Grass-type fast move can be used on priority
Leaf Blade – Leaf Blade is another Grass-type fast attack that deals heavy damage
Metagross is a steel and psychic Pokemon and this can be unleashed during windy and snowy weather. It has always been an excellent pick for five-star raids in the game.
Meteor Mash – The steel-type charged attack deals over 120 damage per second and is an ideal pick for the raid
Bullet Punch – Bullet Punch is another steel type charged attack that works well with a shield
Zen Headbutt – Zen Headbutt is the top Psychic-type fast move to negate attacks of Nosepass
Shadow Metagross
The shadow form of Metagross is a menacing unit. This Pokemon makes its targets vulnerable by unleashing its special skills during raids. With its Psychic and Steel attacks, the Pokemon can demolish enemies.
Flash Cannon – The steel-type charged attack deals massive damage and stuns its targets
Bullet Punch – Bullet Punch is a Steel-type charged attack that attacks faster and harder
Shadow Excadrill
Shadow Excadrill is a powerful attacker. It deals ground and steel damage. Shadow Excadrill has high experience in both gym and tier raid battles. This Unova region Generation 5 Pokemon will be a trump card to win the Nosepass raid.
Scorching Sands – The Ground-type charged attack boosts attacks and reduces the defense of targets with its special effects
Metal Claw – A top-tier Steel-type fast attack to power-up the attacks of Shadow Excadrill
Mega Sceptile
The Grass and Dragon Pokemon is a top-tier attacking unit. Mega Sceptile dominates five-star battles and will be another best unit to beat Nosepass. Mega Sceptile gets increased damage during Windy and Sunny weather.
Frenzy Plant – The grass-type charged attack inflicts colossal damage every second
Dragon Claw – The Dragon-type charged move attacks fiercely and boosts damage throughout the raid
Shadow Garchomp
Shadow Garchomp has the powers of Dragon and Ground. It’s a monstrous unit and can be a great counter to defeat the Nosepass Pokemon in raid battles.
Earth Power – The Ground-type charged move grants multiple buffs. Earth Power deals over 120 dps and it also reduces the defense of targets by 20%
Dragon Tail – The Dragon-type fast move is another best ability for the raid
Shadow Kyogre
Shadow Kyogre, the Legendary Water-type Pokemon, is an S-ranked All-Rounder. It can be best used during rainy weather. With insane attacks and special skills, Shadow Kyogre is dangerous against its enemies.
Origin Pulse – The best skill for Shadow Kyogre is the Origin Pulse, the Water-type charged attack . It deals over 130 dps.
Surf – Surf is a Water-type charged move that stuns targets and negates their movements
Waterfall – The Water-type fast move works well with Shadow Kyogre’s powers
Shadow Rhyperior
With powers of Ground and Rock, Shadow Rhyperior is a destruction to its enemies. It has high atk and stamina to endure attacks in the raid battle. Shadow Rhyperior gets stronger during Partly Cloudy and Sunny weather.
Rock Wrecker – The Rock-type charged attack is a heavy skill that destroys targets
Mud-Slap – This Ground-type fast smile is effective for PvP raids
Mega Blaziken
Fire and Fighting is a top-tier dual-type in the game. Mega Blaziken boasts powers of these elements and it burns targets with its heavy attacks. Sunny and Cloudy weather will assist the Pokemon and grants buffs.
Overheat – The fire-type charged attack is the best skill for Mega Blaziken and it deals more than 160 dps. Overheat also debuffs enemy’s attacks by 30%
Focus Blast – The fighting-type charged attack deals over 140 dps and enhances attacks
Mega Alakazam
Mega Alakazam
The Psychic-type Pokemon is hailed as one of the strongest attackers in the game. Mega Alakazam has an excellent winning ratio in five-star battles and gym raids. Going with Mega Alakazam against Nosepass is a sign of victory.
Psycho Cut – The Psychic-type fast move is the ideal skill for Mega Alakazam
Shadow Torterra
Shadow Torterra is a beast that has the powers of Grass and Ground. The tortoise-like Pokemon can be used during Sunny weather. Shadow Torterra has many special skills in its kit.
Solar Beam – Solar Beam is a Grass-type charge move that deals 180 DPS and is the primary skill for Shadow Torterra
Sand Tomb – The Ground-type charged move deals heavy damage and reduces the defense for enemies by 20%
The fighting and steel Pokemon excels in Tier 3 raid battles. Lucario enjoys battle during Cloudy and Snow weather.
Aura Sphere – Aura Sphere, the fighting type fast attack, increases attacks and deals over 100 dps
Flash Cannon – This steel type charged deals more than 100 dps
Mythical Pokemon are rare to find in Pokemon Go. Keldeo is a dual-type mythical Pokemon that deals water and fighting damage. Trainers can use Keldeo that has a high CP.
Aqua Jet – Aqua Jet reduces defense for targets. The Water-type charged attack also doubles the damage for self
Sacred Sword – Sacred Sword is an excellent charged skill. This fighting-type moveset attacks slowly and reduces energy quickly
Shadow Empoleon
Shadow Empoleon is a Water and Steel Pokemon. The CP and IV are great and this makes it an excellent counter against Nosepass.
Steel Wing – The Steel-type fast move will deal massive damage and reduce enemy’s energy rate
Hydro Cannon – Hydro Cannon is a Water-type charged attack and it’s a top skill for Shadow Empoleon
Mega Blastoise
The Water-type Pokemon excels in tier raid battles. Mega Blastoise will be a top pick against Nosepass and it attacks faster during the rain weather. Mega Blastoise is an incredible dps and can dominate the battle against Nosepass.
Water Gun – The Water-type fast move is the main skill for Mega Blastoise and it enhances damage
Hydro Pump – The Water-type charged move has a high impact and deals colossal damage
Therian Forme Landorus
The Therian Forme of Landorus is strong against Rock-type Pokemon. This legendary Pokemon has powers of Ground and Flying. Therian Forme Landorus is a top-rated offensive Pokemon with high cp and winning ratio in raid battles.
Sandsear Storm – The Ground-type charged deals over 140 damage and reduces defense by 20%
Extrasensory – The Psychic-type fast move stuns targets
Shadow Mamoswine
Shadow Mamoswine is a top pick for raid battles. With a high winning ratio and experience, Shadow Mamoswine will be the best pick. It gets double damage during Snow and Sunny weather.
Powder Snow – The Ice-type fast move freezes targets and deals heavy damage for a short time
High Horsepower – The Ground-type charged move deals more than 100 damage per second
Melmetal is another Steel-type unit with heavy attacks and works well during snow weather. This mythical Pokemon can be your trump card for boss raid battles.
Thunder Shock – The electric-type fast attack charges and shocks enemies
Double Iron Bash – This Steel-type charged move will pierce through targets and launch massive attacks
Mega Steelix
The steel and ground Pokemon is a heavy tank and strong defender. Mega Steelix can be unleashed during Snow and Sunny weather
Iron Tail – The steel-type fast moveset is the best skill for Mega Steelix
Heavy Slam – Heavy Slam is a steel type charged attack that deals over 70 dps
Earthquake – The Ground-type charged attack demolishes targets with its powers
Shadow Crawdaunt
Shadow Crawdaunt is a boss raid Pokemon and this Water and Dark Pokemon works well during Rain and Fog weather.
Snarl – The dark-type fast moveset can be used for PvP raids
Crabhammer – Crabhammer, the Water-type charged move, deals over 80 dps and increases attacks by 50%
The Grass and Poison Pokemon is an excellent pick for three-star and five-star tier raid battles. Roserade’s full potential can be unleashed during the Sunny and Cloudy weather. Roserade’s skill increases its attacks and negates enemy’s defense for a short time.
Grass Knot – The grass-type charged attack is the strongest skill for Roserade
Magical Leaf – Magical Leaf is another Grass-type fast skill that’s best used during PvP raids
Poison Jab – Poison Jab is a poison-type fast moveset that deals massive damage
Sludge Bomb – This poison type charge attack inflicts heavy damage throughout the battle
Greninja is a water and dark Pokemon with great atk skills. It has weak defense, but it’s a strong offensive unit. Greninja is best used during Fog and Rain weather.
Night Slash – The dark-type charged attack enhances attacks by 50% and deals more than 50 damage
Bubble – Bubble is a Water-type fast attack with high energy
Krookodile is a dragon-like Pokemon with the powers of Ground and Dark elements. It gets high defense and damage during Fog and Sunny weather.
Crunch – The dark-type charged attack deals massive damage and reduces enemy’s defense by 20%
Earthquake – Earthquake is a Ground-type charged attack and this skill helps your Pokemon deal over 140 dps
Rhydon is a top-tier dual-type Pokemon. This ground and rock Pokemon is an excellent counter for three-star raids. Trainers can utilize Rhydon during Partly Cloudy and Sunny weather.
Stone Edge – Stone Edge is a Rock-type charged moveset that deals 100 dps
Earthquake – Earthquake demolishes targets with its special attacks and this Ground-type charged attack is the best skill for Rhydon’s playing style
Mega Horn – The bug-type charge move deals over 110 damage
Grass and Ghost is a rare combination in Pokemon Go. Decidueye belongs to this category and has excelled in tier battles every time. Decidueye is highly resistant against rock attacks and it can overcome the Nosepass Raid efficiently
Leafage – The grass-type fast skill can be used for PvP raids and Go Battle Leagues . Leafage is the main moveset for Decidueye
Astonish – Astonish is a ghost-type fast skill that’s best used in the final phase of the raid
Spirit Shackle – The ghost-type charged attack grants damage boost and reduces defense of targets by 20%
Sky Forme Shaymin
The Sky Forme of Shyamin has the powers of Grass and Flying. Sky Forme Shyamin is strong against Rock-type units and this makes it a strong pick against the Nosepass Pokemon. Sky Forme Shyamin has great stats and CP along with some raging skills in its kit.
Seed Flare – The grass-type charged attack deals over 130 dps and reduces defense for enemies by 33%
Energy Ball – Energy Ball is another Grass-type moveset. This charged attack enhances damage and will debuff defense for enemies
Shadow Feraligatr
The Shadow form of Feraligatr has been hailed as a top-tier Water-type Pokemon since its debut. Shadow Feraligatr attacks faster during rain weather. It has some powerful skills and these can be used to get the best build for Shadow Feraligatr.
Hydro Cannon – The Water-type charge move deals more than 90 dps and is an excellent skill for the Pokemon
With these 30 counters, you can dominate the Nosepass raid in Pokemon Go. Boss raid battles and gym battles have always been challenging. New three-star raids and five-star raids are out. Trainers can defeat a mega pidgeot in the new raid.
Is Nosepass Raid Difficult in Pokemon Go?
Nosepass is a rock-type Pokemon, but it’s not an ultra beast. Nosepass doesn’t have the powers of a legendary Pokemon, but it becomes stronger during Pokemon Go raid.
Is Pokemon Go Necrozma Good?
Yes, Necrozma is an S-ranked pocket monster in Pokemon Go. This Pokemon has high ATK and gets boosted stats during the windy weather. Psychic type Pokemon are strong attackers and Necrozma will be a great pick for raids, gym leader battles and go battle leagues. Trainers can hunt a shiny Necrozma as well.
Are you looking for the best ways to use Pokemon Go Kleavor? Find out the strengths and skills of this Pokemon.
Pokemon Go Shared Skies has started and trainers have tons of challenges and a couple of events in the new season. This season will focus on flying and fighting type Pokemon. Trainers can participate in boss raids and add Necrozma to their Pokedex. Wild spawns can be evolved during battle days. Kleavor, the bug and rock type Pokemon, will spawn frequently in the wild. Trainers can use this pocket monster for raids and gym battles.
Kleavor is a Hisui region Pokemon from Generation 8 and has a shiny form. Kleavor is primarily available through three-star raids and it’s also seen in the Sinnoh region. Though Kleavor is not a legendary beast, it can be used for every battle along with its best skills. Here’s all about Pokemon Go Kleavor skills, stats and ways to use this unit.
Best Ways to Use Kleavor in Pokemon Go
Kleavor is strong in attacks, but it has weak defense and stamina. Though Kleavor is not an ideal pick for PvP and Go Battle Leagues, the Pokemon can be used for team-based raids in Go Battle Leagues. Kleavor can be used for gym raids as well.
Kleavor gets a double boost during Partly Cloudy and Rain weather. Trainers can use the unit against Normal and Poison types. Kleavor is vulnerable against Pokemon like Rock, Steel and Water. The CP for Kleavor is good and it will increase at every level. Kleavor gets boosted by Mega Pokemon like Heracross and Aerodactyl.
The IV values for Kleavor are high and trainers can catch the pocket monster by making perfect curve throws. Berries will boost the chance to catch Kleavor. Players who walk with Kleavor as the buddy Pokemon can earn 25 Mega Energy every time. Mega Energy has been used to complete the mega evolution for pocket monsters.
Best Moves for Kleavor
Kleavor is a Bug and Rock type Pokemon. You can use movesets from these elements to maximize the powers of the pocket monster. Here are the recommended skills for Kleavor,
Stone Edge – The Rock type charged attack deals 100 damage and can be used for gym raids. Stone Edge doesn’t grant special effects, but increases damage slowly
Rock Slide – Another powerful rock type charge move that works well in Go Battle Leagues. Rock Slide attacks quickly and reduces enemy’s energy in no time
Quick Attack – The normal type fast move can be used for gym battles and this also deals massive damage every second
X-Scissor – The Bug-type charge move is the best move of Kleavor for Raid Battles and Go Battle Leagues. X-Scissor deals massive damage and boosts defense
That’s everything you need to know about the best ways to use Pokemon Go Kleavor. Shared Skies season features new timed research tasks and special research tasks. Trainers can maximize battle items like berries and candies by playing these challenges.
Is Pokemon Go Necrozma Good?
Yes, Necrozma is an S-ranked pocket monster in Pokemon Go. This Pokemon has high ATK and gets boosted stats during the windy weather. Psychic type Pokemon are strong attackers and Necrozma will be a great pick for raids, gym leader battles and go battle leagues. Trainers can hunt a shiny Necrozma as well.
How to get Pokemon Go Candy?
Candy is an in-game resource and currency in Pokemon Go. Trainers can earn unlimited candies by completing PvP raids, boss raids and five-star battles. Using berries to catch Pokemon doubles candies and you can evolve Pokemon to get more candies. With candies, you can evolve Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Catching Pokemon is the best method to farm candies.
Do you want to get the best rewards from the Goomy Community Day event in Pokemon Go? Scroll down and find everything.
Community day event in Pokemon Go is a special event where trainers can catch a Pokémon with a high spawn rate. The Community Day Event also grants bonuses for players. The June community day event for Pokemon Go is announced. The new Shared Skies season event will feature two Pokemon in the community day. Trainers can catch Cyndaquil on one day and Goomy on another day.
Goomy is a Dragon-type Pokemon with multiple evolutions. Though Goomy doesn’t offer high stats, its evolution forms are great for Go Battle Leagues. Goomy has a shiny form and it will spawn at a high rate once the community day goes live. Here’s all about the Pokemon Go Goomy Community Day event, bonuses and rewards.
Pokemon Go Goomy Community Day Event 2024
Goomy, the Dragon-type Pokemon, will feature in the classic community day event on June 9, 2024, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm local time. It is a Gen 6 Kalos region Pokemon and trainers can catch it as a wild spawn. Using battle items will increase the chances of getting one in the wild.
Trainers can also use battle items like incense and berries to increase chances of getting a shiny goomy. The community day event features the Soft Tissue Pokemon, Goomy, only for 3 hours. Goomy evolves into Sliggoo and Goodra. Trainers can catch Goomy and evolve it to maximize their powers during raids.
Pokemon Go Community Day Bonuses
Apart from catching Goomy, players can unlock multiple bonuses as well. Community day features multiple bonuses and rewards for trainers and these will only be available till the event is available in the game Here’s what you can unlock during the event,
x3 Stardust for catching Pokémon
Double Candy and XP bonus for wild encounters
x2 chance for Trainers level 31 to claim Candy XL by catching Pokémon
Lure Modules activated will be available for 3 hours
Players will receive a surprise for Snapshots during the event day
Additional special trade will be 2 for the day
Trades need 50% less stardust
Showcases will be available at Pokèstops throughout the event
Pokemon Go Goomy Evolution
Goomy is not a beast, but you can evolve it and utilize its powers. Trainers can evolve Goomy into Sliggoo by spending 25 candies. Sliggoo can be evolved into Goodra for 100 candies during rainy weather and you have to use a Rainy Lure Module as well.
All evolutions of Goodra have shiny forms. The Thunder Punch electric moveset can be unlocked after completing the evolution. The community day event will also feature Sliggoo in four-star raids and you can join 3 trainers to defeat it. After defeating Sliggoo, you can unlock more Goomy encounters near the gym.
Players can participate in the field and times research tasks during the Goomy community day event. Winning raids will unlock rewards like Stardust, Great Balls, and Rainy Lure Module. There’s also a special research story and it’s a paid task. Trainers can buy community day bundles that include,
1,350 PokéCoins – you will get 50 Ultra Balls, x5 Super Incubators, Elite Charged TM, and x5 Lucky Eggs.
480 PokéCoins – 30 Ultra Balls, Incense, x3 Super Incubators, and Lure Module.
That’s everything you need to know about Pokemon Go Goomy community day event 2024, raids, tasks and rewards. The Slumbering Sands event provides a chance for players to catch shiny Pokemon.
How to Catch Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go?
Shiny Pokemon rarely spawns in the wild. The spawning rate for these forms are low when compared to the normal wild Pokemon. But you can use berries and incense to boost your chances of getting a shiny Pokemon in the game. A shiny Pokemon has a different form and appearance and will be stronger than the regular ones.
How to Get Unlimited Candy in Pokemon Go?
Candy is an in-game resource and currency in Pokemon Go. Trainers can earn unlimited candies by completing PvP raids, boss raids and five-star battles. Using berries to catch Pokemon doubles candies and you can evolve Pokemon to get more candies. With candies, you can evolve Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Catching Pokemon is the best method to farm candies.
Do you want to complete the Rise of Moonlight in Pokemon Go? Find out all tasks and rewards for this timed research event.
The new season in Pokemon Go is live. Shared Skies features exciting quests and rewards. Trainers can catch Necrozma and new shiny Pokemon during battle days. The Rise of Moonlight is a special timed research task and it’s out to players who bought the Global Go Fest ticket in Pokemon Go as a bonus. The Community Day is another exciting event where players can catch Cyndaquil every day.
The next season features plenty of tasks and battle raids and trainers can maximize rewards as well. The Stadium Sights event includes lots of Fighting and Flying Pokemon. The Rise of Moonlight is the second timed research task and it has a couple of tasks for trainers with some bonuses. Here’s all about Pokemon Go the Rise of Moonlight task, objectives and rewards.
Pokemon Go The Rise of Moonlight Event 2024
Pokemon Go timed research challenges are easier to complete. These tasks also grant some exciting rewards like candy and xp. The Rise of Moonlight will only be available till June 6, 2024. There are five tasks for this part. Here’s what you have to do,
Catch 25 Different Species of Pokemon to receive a Lure Module
Open 5 Gifts and claim x792 Stardust
Trainers who make 10 Great Throws will be able to encounter the fairy-type Pokemon, Clefairy
Playing with Buddy 5 times will reward Poffin, a Snack for your Buddy Pokemon
Power Up 10 Ghost-type Pokemon and unlock an encounter with the Rock and Psychic dual-type Pokemon, Lunatone
These are the main takes for The Rise in Moonlight Timed Research Task. Complete all tasks to earn these rewards including other special rewards like 3000 XP, 3 Silver Pinap Berry and an exclusive Moon Crown Avatar Item. Every task is simple and you can explore the wild regions with your buddy Pokemon and complete all tasks quickly. The spawning rate for wild Pokemon will also be higher during the timed research task day.
More Rewards
Players who complete the first part, A Glimpse of Daylight, will be able to unlock the Rise in Moonlight. Those who complete the first stage will receive rewards like Sun Crown Avatar Items, Golden Razz Berries, XP, Lucky Egg, Candies and Super Incubator. These rewards help you catch wild Pokemon easily and the spawn rate will be higher as well.
Sunkern and Solrock encounters will be available to those who completed the previous stage of this special timed research task. These Pokemon are the best counters to complete gym trainer battles and PvP raids.
Timed research tasks in Pokemon Go can be utilized to maximize battle items and resources for your Pokemon. When a new season arrives, trainers will be able to participate in tons of challenges. This new timed research challenge in the Shared Skies event also provides an opportunity for players to catch rare wild Pokemon. Completing Pokedex also helps you dominate the raid battles in the game.
That’s everything you need to know about the Pokemon Go Rise of Moonlight timed research tasks, rewards and encounters. Players can capture plenty of wild spawns in the Shared Skies season and evolve Pokemon with battle items.
Can you use Necrozma for Pokemon Go Raids?
Yes, Necrozma is an S-ranked pocket monster in Pokemon Go. This Pokemon has high ATK and gets boosted stats during the windy weather. Psychic type Pokemon are strong attackers and Necrozma will be a great pick for raids, gym leader battles and go battle leagues. Trainers can hunt a shiny Necrozma as well.
How to Get Pokemon Go Candy?
Candy is an in-game resource and currency in Pokemon Go. Trainers can earn unlimited candies by completing PvP raids, boss raids and five-star battles. Using berries to catch Pokemon doubles candies and you can evolve Pokemon to get more candies. With candies, you can evolve Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Catching Pokemon is the best method to farm candies.
Is it hard to catch a shiny Pokemon?
Shiny Pokemon rarely spawns in the wild. The spawning rate for these forms are low when compared to the normal wild Pokemon. But you can use berries and incense to boost your chances of getting a shiny Pokemon in the game.
Do you want to catch Necrozma in the Pokemon Go Fest Event 2024? Find out the best tips to counter this legendary Pokemon.
Pokemon Go Shared Skies has begun. The new season has plenty of events and trainers will get a chance to catch all new Pokemon including the tier 5 raid boss, Necrozma. Once the Go Fest is out, players can tussle against Necrozma and unlock its shiny form as well. Necrozma has three forms including the Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings. The Go fest provides an opportunity for players to catch all forms of Necrozma with a high spawning rate.
— Pokémon GO United Kingdom (@pokemongoappuk) April 10, 2024
Players who take part in the Go Fest can unlock all forms of Necrozma. Trainers have to create a party with at least 5 members to defeat the Necrozma Pokemon in the raid. The Special Research Story grants trainers exclusive battle items and these can be used to unlock the other forms of Necrozma. Here’s all about Pokemon Go Fest 2024, Necrozma and more.
Pokemon Go Fest 2024 – Necrozma
Necrozma is a Psychic-type all-rounder from Alola and is a strong offensive unit. Pokemon Go players can utilize Necrozma for raids, go battle leagues and gym battles. Trainers can unlock Necrozma from the wild and tier battles. Here’s how you can unlock the other forms of Necrozma,
Necrozma and Solgaleo can be fused together to unlock the Dusk Mane form
Necrozma and Lunala can be fused together to unlock the Dawn Wings form
To fuse Necrozma with other Pokemon, trainers have to claim the special research story ticket of Pokemon Go and earn Solar Fusion Energy, Lunar Fusion Energy, Necrozma Candy and Cosmog Candy. These can be unlocked during the special research story tasks in the Go Fest by completing daily tasks. You can use Pokemon of these types to defeat Necrozma and negate its attacks.
Once the Global Go Fest is out, players can take part in raids and catch all forms of Necrozma. As you defeat Necrozma, you will be able to collect both Solar Fusion Energy and Lunar Fusion Energy. The shiny form of Necrozma will spawn during the Global Go Fest 2024.
Pokemon Go Necrozma – Stats, Moves, Counters & Weaknesses
Necrozma is a Legendary Pokemon and one of the best psychic units in the game. All forms of Necrozma are strong in both attack and defense. Necrozma’s main weaknesses are Bug, Fire, Ground, Ghost and Dark.
Trainers can defeat Necrozma with Pokemon like Mega Banette, Mega Rayquaza, Mega Tyranitar, Shadow Cursola and Mega Absol. These are the top counters to beat this ultra beast in the game. The best moves of Necrozma are Future Sight, Psycho Cut, Shadow Claw and Metal Claw.
That’s everything you need to know about the best ways to get Necrozma in Pokemon Go Fest 2024. The new season features many boss raid battles and wild spawns. Also, the Community Day event will feature Cyndaquil as the main Pokemon.
Can you use Necrozma for Ultra League?
Yes, Necrozma is an S-ranked pocket monster in Pokemon Go. This Pokemon has high ATK and gets boosted stats during the windy weather. Psychic type Pokemon are strong attackers and Necrozma will be a great pick for raids, gym leader battles and go battle leagues. Trainers can hunt a shiny Necrozma as well.
How to Get Pokemon Go Shiny Pokemon?
Shiny Pokemon rarely spawns in the wild. The spawning rate for these forms are low when compared to the normal wild Pokemon. But you can use berries and incense to boost your chances of getting a shiny Pokemon in the game.
Do you want to find the best raids in the Pokemon Go Slumbering Sands event for 2024? Scroll down and find everything.
Trainers of Pokemon Go can take part in new events once the Shared Skies season starts. New field research tasks and wild encounters will be available throughout the season. The Stadium Sights will feature some wild spawns and the Go Fest will feature Necrozma. Another big event is the Slumbering Sands that will feature new shiny Pokemon along with raids and bonuses.
Two normal type Pokemon will be featured as the main units in Slumbering Sands. Shiny Komala will make its debut and Slakoth will be the new Pokemon in the game. Many wild Pokemon can be caught every day in the event and there are some bonuses as well. Here’s all about Pokemon Go Slumbering Sands Event 2024, shiny Pokemon and costumes.
Pokemon Go Slumbering Sands Event 2024
Slumbering Sands will go live from June 7, 2024. The event will end on June 12, 2024. Throughout the event, trainers can claim double XP and Candy bonus for raids. Shiny Komala will regularly spawn and Slakoth Pokemon will spawn with the Visor costume. Here’s all about the Pokemon Go Slumbering Sands,
Surprise Encounters – During battle days, trainers can take snapshots and encounter a surprise Pokemon
Field Research Tasks – Sandygast, Slakoth (Visor), Oranguru, Komala, Mareep, Psyduck, Drowzee
GO Plus+ Timed Research – Players can explore this challenge by connecting their Pokémon GO Plus+ to Pokémon GO. This Special Timed research task grants Stardust to trainers and encounter some special event-themed Pokémon like Snorlax (Nightcap), Slakoth (Visor), and Komala
Paid Timed Research – An event-exclusive Timed Research can be unlocked for US$2.00. Trainers can encounter Komala and Slakoth (Visor). The rewards are Komala backpack item, Stardust, Experience, and Silver Pinap Berries.
Collection Challenge – Slumbering Sands will feature collection challenges. Rewards will be Stardust, XP and Komala Encounter
Pokéstop Showcases – PokéStop showcases will be available during all battle days and trainers can explore event-themed Pokémon.
Slumbering Sands is a limited time event and it joins other events in the new Shared Skies event. Right from collection challenges to special research tasks, trainers can claim plenty of rewards and gifts. The Field Research and Wild Spawn will have Pokemon with a high spawn rate.
These are the main challenges and rewards for Pokemon Go Slumbering Sands Event 2024. Trainers can maximize rewards for the next season during the event.
Is it Difficult to Catch Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Go?
Shiny Pokemon rarely spawns in the wild. The spawning rate for these forms are low when compared to the normal wild Pokemon. But you can use berries and incense to boost your chances of getting a shiny Pokemon in the game. Finding a shiny Pokemon is rare in the wild. But trainers can utilize special events and battle days to get them.
How to Get Pokemon Go Candy?
Candy is an in-game resource and currency in Pokemon Go. Trainers can earn unlimited candies by completing PvP raids, boss raids and five-star battles. Using berries to catch Pokemon doubles candies and you can evolve Pokemon to get more candies. With candies, you can evolve Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Catching Pokemon is the best method to farm candies.