We have brought you the full Valorant Neon Guide. We have explained all the tricks of her abilities below.

Episode 4 Act 1 of Valorant is now out, bringing with it a slew of new balancing, map improvements, and more. The show’s headliner, however, will surely be Neon, the newest agent to join the Valorant Protocol.

Neon appears to have a lot of potential in Valorant. Her lightning-quick electricity-based talents are such an important part of her character that she could easily outrun other Agents. She also appears to be preparing to face Jett, another movement-based agent who has dominated the meta for almost a year. One thing seems certain: things will alter, one way or another, once Neon gets her groove. Here’s a Valorant Neon tutorial to help you out.

Who is Neon 

Neon was born in the Philippines, in the city of Manilla. She’s found herself in the Valorant squad, and she’s Radiant, like some other members of the group. Because of the First Light incident, she obtained superhuman abilities, transforming her into an incredibly strong individual. Multiple people gained these talents as a result of their exposure to Radianite, Valorant’s strange substance that appears to be connected to Dark Matter.

Although she’s one of the youngest agents of the Valorant crew, she’s not going to let her age stand in her way. In addition to helping protect the Earth from dangerous Radianite incidents, Neon has recently joined the Valorant Protocol. The reasons for her decision are currently unclear. In the case of Neon, her skills materialized as electricity-based abilities that also aided her speed. She can also conjure energy from within herself, which she can use to create bolts and dense walls of static electricity.

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Valorant Neon Guide

Valorant Neon Guide
Neon (Image credit: Riot Games)

Neon has a slew of strong powers at her disposal, giving her a fast-paced and agile arsenal. High Gear, Relay Bolt, Fast Lane, and Overdrive are her special powers. Neon is an Agent who seeks to outsmart his opponents. Her equipment combines to give her the game’s most mobile character, and in Valorant, speed counts for a lot.

Neon, like Jett, Phoenix, Raze, Reyna, and Yoru, is a Duelist Agent. Jett has dominated the meta for the better part of a year, but with Act 4, Neon appears to be on the verge of giving Jett a run for her money.

Valorant Neon Guide: High Gear Ability

Valorant Neon Guide
Neon’s High Gear ability (Image credit: Riot Games)

Allows Neon to harness her ability to increase her speed in a burst. Neon can then cause a slide after being charged. The sliding ability resets after two kills. 

  • The cost is nothing.
  • Charges: 1 slide per round on the duration meter (reset after two kills).
  • High Gear accelerates Neon’s speed by 35%.
  • While this is active, Neon moves quicker than any other agent in the game, making it ideal for rapid rotations.
  • High Gear is strangely similar to Viper’s poisonous gas in that it is represented by a regenerating meter at the bottom of your screen.
  • If you strike alternative fire while this ability is active, you’ll slide, providing you with rapid re-equip times and a big element of surprise. It can be used to get around corners when your opponents aren’t expecting it.
  • Unless you acquire two kills, you can only slide once every round. Similar to Jett’s sprint, doing so will replenish the slide.

Valorant Neon Guide: Relay Bolt Ability

Throws an energy bolt that has the ability to bounce up to once before exploding in a concussive explosion. The bolt ultimately falls to the ground, unleashing another concussive blast.

Valorant Neon Guide
Neon’s Relay Bolt Ability (Image credit: Riot Games)
  • The price is 200 credits.
  • 2 charges
  • The bolt can bounce once before reaching the conclusion of its path.
  • The relay bolt may stun up to two places at once. The first will be where the bolt lands for the first time. The bolt’s final destination will be the second.
  • The bolt is more of a stun than a flash. You will not be blinded like a Skye bird would, but you will get “woozy” as a Breach ultimate would.
  • Neon has the ability to completely stun herself, so be cautious how you bounce it.
  • People behind barriers are affected by the stun. The effect circle’s area will pass through barriers and impact anybody on the other side. This is in contrast to a Killjoy grenade, which requires a line of sight to activate.
  • The bolt can bounce once before reaching the conclusion of its path.
  • The relay bolt may stun up to two places at once. The first will be where the bolt lands for the first time. The bolt’s final destination will be the second.
  • The bolt is more of a stun than a flash. You will not be blinded like a Skye bird would, but you will get “woozy” as a Breach ultimate would.
  • Neon has the ability to completely stun herself, so be cautious how you bounce it.
  • People behind barriers are affected by the stun. The effect circle’s area will pass through barriers and impact anybody on the other side. This is in contrast to a Killjoy grenade, which requires a line of sight to activate.

Valorant Neon Guide: Fast Lane Ability

Fast Lane Ability
Neon’s Fast Lane ability (Image credit: Riot Games)

Two walls appear on either side of Neon. These walls will rise up in front of you, obscuring your eyesight and injuring anybody who walks through them.

  • The price is 300 credits.
  • 1 count of charges
  • The walls are similar to Phoenix in appearance and behavior. They will not, however, heal Neon.
  • The barriers are only visible for around six seconds.
  • As you go through the walls, they will hide your view, much like Phoenix.
  • Although it may appear that the Fast Lane walls cannot travel past barriers, they can. The ability’s cast behaves like a projectile. If your crosshair passes through a surface in front of you, it will also pass through the walls. When you cast, if your crosshair is on a surface, the walls will come to a halt on that surface.
  • During their full length, the walls can deal up to 170 damage.
  • Skye’s dog, Sova’s drone, and Cypher’s camera can all be damaged by Fast Lane. A Killjoy ultimate or her gadgets will not be affected by it.

Neon’s Ultimate – Overdrive 

Neon's Ultimate – Overdrive 
Neon’s Overdrive (Image credit: Riot Games)

For a limited time, Neon accelerates. She can fire lightning from her fingertips during this period, and it has tremendous mobility and precision. After each kill, the duration is reset.

  • Seven ultimate points are required.
  • If combined with High Gear, the ultimate consumes the same amount of fuel as the sprint.
  • For her energy beam, Neon will need 40 bullets. After a brief period of not shooting, it will recharge.
  • Neon will do a brief animation when you run out of ammunition. To avoid this, make sure your ammunition does not run out.
  • The fuel bar will be replenished by a quarter after every kill.
  • The ability has no negative consequences. No matter where you hit an opponent, it will cause the same amount of damage.

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Published by Omer Khan

Omer has a proven track record in the online media industry as a Content Writer. He holds a bachelor's degree in international journalism and mass communication and enjoys sports and video games.