We have brought you the Hearthstone Beginner’s Guide with some tips that will help you to build your best decks.

Blizzard Entertainment developed and produced Hearthstone, a free-to-play online digital collectible card game. Hearthstone, formerly named Heroes of Warcraft, expands on the Warcraft series’ history by including familiar motifs, characters, and artifacts. It was initially launched in March 2014 for Microsoft Windows and macOS, with iOS and Android adaptations following later that year. The game supports cross-platform play, allowing players to compete on any compatible device, with the sole limitation being geographical area account constraints.

As a much faster take on TCGs, Hearthstone is a great choice for fans of Blizzard’s World Of Warcraft series. In comparison to Blizzard’s smash hit World Of Warcraft, Hearthstone seems more like a lighthearted tavern game than a serious MMO. Apart from that lighthearted premise, this is a very competitive card game where even a mistake during deck construction could cost you your match. Below we have a Hearthstone Beginner’s Guide that will help you to know your best decks and much more.

Hearthstone Beginner’s Guide: How to start

Continue to work on your Mage and Hunter skills. The Mage is the game’s beginner class for a reason, and it’s due to its rather versatile playstyle. The Mage deck’s basic cards are based on all of Hearthstone’s primary concepts, making it a perfect way for newcomers to learn how cards and deeper tactics function. Given its proclivity for speedier gaming, the Hunter is an option here.

Pay close attention to how to obtain Gold. Although it may seem self-evident, players should always try to optimize their chances of winning Gold in a single day. Winning certain matches, achieving achievements, and completing missions are only a few examples. Gold is the most efficient way for players to gain entrance to the Arena and/or purchase Packs to help them develop their deck.

Cards that are no longer in use can be dusted and used for crafting. Players will be able to construct cards they don’t possess in return for dust in Crafting Mode. Dust can also be obtained by destroying cards that are no longer needed. Save this for cards that have been nerfed out of the meta.

Hearthstone Beginner's Guide
Hearthstone (Image credit: YouTube)

Rather than using Packs, use Gold in the Arena. When players accumulate a significant amount of Gold via normal gameplay, it might be quite tempting to spend it on Packs to unlock cards. It is, however, more preferable to use them to enter the Arena. Arena guarantees a free Pack if players reach it to the finish, and there are likely more freebies as well, despite the hefty 150 GP price tag.

Hearthstone Beginner’s Guide: Mana Curve

Essentially, Mana Curve is a bell curve that indicates how many cards in a deck have the same mana cost. It would be ideal to have both low-cost and high-cost mana cards available. As a result of the bell curve analogy, a greater number of cards should be available in the mid-game than in the early or endgame. Due to its mana system, Hearthstone will likely be familiar to players of card games such as MTG.

In contrast to MTG, which uses Land cards that may be tapped for mana, Hearthstone uses a mana system that is automatically replenished the next round. It also includes certain cards that alter the amount and kind of permanent mana a player can get. Because mana is the most important resource in Hearthstone, it makes sense for decks to be built around it. The Mana Curve is an element of the deck-building process.

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Hearthstone Beginner’s Guide: Board Control

Hearthstone Beginner's Guide
Board Control (Image credit: YouTube)

Hearthstone is a board-centric card game at its most basic level. As a result, the player who has control of the board has the highest chance of winning the game. Unless you’re using a deck with a very specific plan, you should try to keep your minions on the curve for the duration of the game. That means you’ll need a lot of early drops, a few mid-game threats, and a few huge minions to finish things off.

When placing minions on the board, avoid overextending—that is, deploying more minions than you need. While it is efficient to use as much mana as possible, you may run into issues if your opponent has cards that clear the board. Area of Effect (AoE) spells are what they’re called. If you play all of your minions in your hand and your opponent wipes them off the board, you may find yourself in a difficult situation.

Hearthstone Beginner’s Guide: Building Your Collection

As you begin to build your card collection, it’s critical that you make use of the limited shortcuts offered in Hearthstone. Each of them allows you to contribute to your ever-expanding card collection and build powerful legendaries and helpful decks.

Hearthstone Beginner's Guide
Hearthstone (Image credit: YouTube)

Understanding the newly established initial 10 card rule is one strategy to use throughout the quest to get legendary cards. It lets players get a guaranteed 7 legendaries from the first 10 packs purchased from a collection from which they have yet to purchase packs. Players can earn a high number of strong legendary cards as a result of this.

Another crucial tip to remember while building your Hearthstone card collection is to never buy legendaries with dust. Dust is necessary for building powerful decks and is more cost-effective than squandering valuable material on legendaries. It is far more cost-effective to preserve your dust and use it to develop the fundamental foundation of a deck rather than squandering it on the title’s pricey and sometimes unimpressive legendary cards. Another incentive to avoid creating costly legendary cards is the strict 1 per deck limit that applies to rare cards.

Also, read Fortnite Close Encounters Mode Guide – How to access it, Quests, and more

Best Deck for beginners

  • Fel Demon Hunter
  • Face Hunter
  • Freeze Shaman
  • Handlock Quest Warlock

For more Guides, Tips, and Tricks

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Published by Omer Khan

Omer has a proven track record in the online media industry as a Content Writer. He holds a bachelor's degree in international journalism and mass communication and enjoys sports and video games.