Here is the Genshin Impact Sayu guide with some of the best tips and tricks that will help you understand the character even more.
Sayu is the laziest character in Genshin Impact. She is a ninja who hides from all the work and responsibilities with the help of her skill. She is a very skilled ninja. Born on October 19, Sayu is unsatisfied with her height of 138cm. She believes that all the rest and sleep will help her to regain all her energy and grow taller. While doing all this, she successfully perfected her ninjutsu.
She wears Mujina attire. It is funny that she wields a claymore that is taller than herself. This is because due to her Anemo Vision’s power. She believes that even her ninjutsu wouldn’t be able to help her wield it. She believes that she is able to accomplish this because of her vision. To know more about Sayu, read our Genshin Impact Sayu guide below.
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Genshin Impact Sayu Guide: Elemental Skill
Yoohoo Art – Fuuin Dash is Sayu’s elemental skill. Sayu will curl up into Fuufuu Windwheel which will deal AoE anemo damage to the opponents. After the duration ends, Sayu attacks with a Fuufuu Whirlwind kick dealing more AoE anemo damage.
While holding, she will roll and can be directed toward opponents that will help to gain resistance and trigger elemental absorption for elements that she comes into contact with. You will have to play by pressing and holding this skill. This will result in a powerful attack.
Genshin Impact Sayu Guide: Elemental Burst
Sayu uses her elemental burst called Yoohoo Art – Mujina Flurry. With the elemental burst, she summons a pair of helping hands that will deal anemo damage to the opponents that are near them. It also helps to heal the party members in their surroundings.
This does not stop here, she also summons a Muji-Muji Daruma that will help you in intervals depending on the situation. If the HP of the characters around is above 70%, it will attack opponents with anemo damage. If the HP of the characters around is 70% or less than that, then it will heal the characters.

Sayu’s Constellations
- Multi-Task no Jutsu: The Muji-Muji Daruma created by the elemental burst will ignore the HP limits and assist in attack and healing at the same time.
- Egress Prep: Damage from the elemental skill is increased by 3.3% when you just press it. The damage is increased every 0.5 seconds spent. The damage can be increased to 66%.
- Eh, the Bunshin Can Handle It: Munjina flurry’s level is increased by three. It can reach level 15 max.
- Skiving : 1.2 energy is recovered when Swirl reaction is triggered. It occurs every two seconds.
- Speed Comes First: The Fuuin Dash’s level increases by three. It can be upgraded to 15.
- Sleep O’Clock: The Muji-Muji Daruma gains a 0.2% attack. It can be reached 400%. Every point of elemental mastery raises the amount restored by 3, up to a maximum of 6,000 extra HP.
Best Weapon for Sayu
The 5-star weapon, Skyward Pride is one of the top best weapon for Sayu. When you use it, it emits a deep hum, signaling Dvalin’s complete mastery over the sky and wind.
With its Sky-ripping Dragon Spine passive, it can increase all DMG from 8 to 16%. And if you use an Elemental Burst, Normal, or Charged Attack, it will produce a vacuum blade that deals DMG to opponents in its path equal to 80 to 160% of your ATK. This will last 20 seconds, which is the equivalent of eight vacuum blades.

Best Artifact for Sayu
It is recommended that you use the Viridescent Venerer set. It will help you to increase the power of the elemental skill, giving a 15% anemo damage bonus. The swirl damage will increase by 60% and decrease the opponent’s elemental RES for ten seconds if there are four pieces of the set. You can obtain the artifacts from this set from the Valley of Remembrance Domain.
Best Characters to pair up with Sayu
- Razor
- Ganyu
- Kaeya
- Venti
- Fischl
- Zhongli
- Diona
This was all about Sayu that you should know. We have shown how its weapons and skills work so that you can use them as an advantage in the game.

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