We have brought you a Demon’s Souls Weapons and Class Combinations guide. Read it carefully for a better combat experience.
Demon’s Souls Remake may be a launch title for this generation, but anyone who has played the original PS3 copy of this incredible RPG will know that Demon’s Souls is one of the most difficult games available. This high degree of difficulty is also not due to difficult levels or being surrounded by too many adversaries. But rather, because Demon’s Souls fighting needs expertise, which is why it is critical that you become familiar with Demon’s Souls combat as soon as possible.
In Demon’s Souls, your character’s positioning is crucial in combat. Every adversary in the game has a certain assault pattern. Some have distant attacks, some have melee attacks, and some have a combination of both. When I say character placement, I mean being at the right place at the right moment. For example, a boss may wield a melee weapon, yet that assault may land many feet away from the monster, leaving the region nearest to the boss unaffected. For a better combat experience, we have provided a guide on the best weapons and class combinations.
For detailed guide on class and weapons, read: Demon’s Souls Weapons Guide – Best Weapons in the Game, Demon’s Souls Class Guide – Best Class to choose
Demon’s Souls Weapons and Class Combinations: Royalty and Bastard Sword

After playing the game multiple times, many people forget to begin at the beginning. They are able to start each attack with magic ranged strike called a Soul Arrow, which is one of their biggest advantages. In Demon’s Souls, you can create a proficient fighter in the fashion of a battle mage despite the lack of established classes. When you level them up this way, particularly when you employ weapons that cause magical damage.
One of the best weapons for beginners is the Bastard Sword. In the beginning, the weapon is short and easier to control, but it does the same amount of damage. In terms of weight and speed, we consider this a mid-tier weapon, making it a good pick for learning the intricacies of the game’s various attack animations.
Demon’s Souls Weapons and Class Combinations: Temple Knight and Great Club

The main advantage of the Temple Knight class is that it comes with some powerful armor, as well as the healing miracle and the talisman needed to execute it. This allows you to regenerate health wherever you choose, as long as you have enough MP to cast it, and it also grants you early access to miracles in general.
This is a more utility-focused kind of magic that helps the player or modifies the world, rather than fighting adversaries. It also comes with and can use the Meridian Set of armor, which will get you almost all the way through the game but is heavier than the Fluted Set that the Knight obtains.
The Great Club is a gigantic hammer that can deal immense damage. The blows are slow, but they have the ability to break through barriers and deplete stamina. The Great Club requires a high level of Strength to use, but it has some incredible scaling. Look for the crystal lizard scampering around the lowest level to find the Great Club in World 2-1.
Demon’s Souls Weapons and Class Combinations: Knight and Falchion

The main benefit of the Knight class is a set of well-rounded stats. It doesn’t excel in any one area, but it does give numerous helpful starting skills without forcing you to purchase souls to level up. Choosing this choice will allow you to quickly handle many heavier weapons and armors. It also features the Fluted Set armor, which, when combined with a high physical defense rating, means you can take a beating straight away. If you have a high magical stat and the required equipment, this is also an option.
The Falchion is one of the faster weapons in Demon’s Souls, featuring a light strike that can be quickly combined and powerful attacks to compliment it.
While its range is less than that of a Greatsword or Ultra Greatsword class weapon, it will give you a fighting chance if you choose a faster weapon that won’t totally deplete your stamina in a single stroke.
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