We have brought you a Galactic Civilizations III guide for beginners. The game will soon be available for free. We have mentioned the date below.

The Drengin Empire and their Yor allies have reigned dominant for ten years since the Dread Lords’ conflict. The majority of the races that joined against the Dread Lords were either wiped out or subdued. Behind the Precursor Shield, Earth is both protected and isolated. The Terran First Fleet, with sophisticated technology and a quest to liberate Earth, returns from the pocket universe in 2242.

The campaign’s three missions follow the fleet’s efforts to liberate Arcea, deal with the Thalan, and lastly eliminate the Drengin presence in the Sol system before bringing the Precursor shield down. The lowering of the shield allows the Terran Alliance’s heavily rebuilt fleet to enter the galaxy, kicking off the “Terran Crusade” that Thalan had previously warned about.

Galactic Civilizations III lets you accomplish just that, with a wide range of alien species to choose from. In order to advance their chosen civilization to its utmost heights, players can adopt an ideology, attack planets, form alliances with other races, and much more.

There are a variety of courses that players can take in order to achieve a victory condition, but many players simply want to know how to obtain a strong start. With so many interrelated components in the game, it’s understandable that gamers would want some guidance on what to focus on. This Galactic Civilizations III guide will assist you.

Galactic Civilizations III guide: Basic Research

Because the game’s focus at the start is so heavily on exploration and resource collecting, it’s best to jump right into research options that allow you to gain bonuses from precursor artifacts or boost colony development. Despite their similarities, each race has its own research tree, so carefully consider the alternatives available to ensure optimum progress.

Players may become overwhelmed when they first see all of the research trees accessible. But, for the time being, ignore all of that and don’t put too much emphasis on a single branch of research. Take a few steps back and look around. Do some study in the military branch to at least be able to construct a rudimentary fleet, then move on to governance to get the most out of the starting colonies, and so on. Trying to concentrate on one form of research early on will almost certainly be to the player’s prejudice later on because basic functions such as treaties and espionage are unlocked in the early stages of the other research branches. When players have established a solid foothold, they can specialize their studies as they see fit.

Galactic Civilizations III guide: Gather Resources

Galactic Civilizations III guide
Galactic civilization III (Image credit: Steam)

The beginning of virtually any civilization game is about creating borders and accumulating resources, and this game is no exception. Set up a few starbases, colonize a few planets, and build a few shipyards. Particular attention should be placed on starbases with a mining specialty, as it is these bases that will provide resources to the player’s civilization at a later period. Even if the culture does not utilize them, various other civilizations may be eager to trade for them.

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Prioritize administrator training

Because the early game is so focused on exploration and growth, it is recommended that players emphasize administrator training. Citizens who have been educated as administrators may supervise colony ships, survey ships, and builders, making them immensely valuable for quick growth.

Galactic Civilizations III guide: Conquering a planet

Galactic Civilizations III guide
Galactic civilization III (Image credit: Steam)

This is primarily due to the game’s confusing instructions, but conquering a planet can be more difficult than imagined. Players cannot just equip a cargo ship and approach an enemy planet for a fast invasion; some strategy is required. At the absolute least, the player must have enough firepower to knock down any planet’s defenses. This can contain defense starbases and battleships around the planet. Only after these defenses are breached may a player launch an invasion on a hostile planet.

However, an effective battle will need legions, generals, and the minerals to construct assault spacecraft. All of this will consume resources and likely draw the notice of other civilizations, who may not like the player amassing an army. Keep this in mind before going full warmonger in a playthrough. Having said that, every player will require a baseline fleet of some kind. Even if it’s just to repel space pirates that could try to assault the player’s spacecraft.

At a bare minimum, each player should have one citizen trained as a general and 1 military academy to train soldiers. Furthermore, there should be at least one shipyard or world dedicated to building and repairing military vessels. The player can then deploy a few minor fleets once the basic war apparatus is up and running. This ability can be extremely useful if the player wishes to ensure that his convoys or trading vessels are always protected by a few offensive spaceships. Fleets can be formed by stacking ships on top of each other.

Galactic Civilizations III guide: Artifacts and Anomalies

Galactic Civilizations III guide
Galactic civilization III (Image credit: Steam)

It may not be immediately obvious, but discovering relics and oddities may be incredibly beneficial to any culture. This isn’t limited to precursor artifacts; even regular anomalies like capsules can help the civilization. They normally produce a modest number of credits, can equip a ship with a weapon, or perhaps contribute a bit to research completion. But, regardless of what is discovered, the reality that they are effectively free resources remains unchanged.

These anomalies may be found all over the world, and especially at the start of the game, these modest troves of free resources can go a long way toward driving the player’s civilization ahead. However, even at the later stages of the game, abnormalities might be found. Even when another culture expands its boundaries, it does not necessarily send out survey ships to look at them. 

This implies that it is quite conceivable for a player to have a survey ship swoop in and just loot those free resources that would otherwise belong to another civilization. The encroachment may irritate some people, but depending on your connection with them, certain races may be prepared to turn the other cheek.

Artifacts and relics tend to net larger gains

Artifacts and relics tend to net larger gains
Galactic civilization III (Image credit: Steam)

The higher profits, on the other hand, are frequently made with artifacts and relics. These creations are derived from a kind of precursor race, and as such, they may frequently disclose significant technical, military, or manufacturing benefits to any civilization that employs them. These are also distributed around the world, and it will not be unusual for other civilizations to claim control of them even if they are technically outside their jurisdiction. Every culture wants these items, thus the player should get as many as they can before the other civilizations do.

That was all that you should know before starting the game. Follow the guide and conquer this civilization. The Epic Games Store will offer Galactic Civilizations III free of charge beginning January 13 and ending January 20.

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Published by Omer Khan

Omer has a proven track record in the online media industry as a Content Writer. He holds a bachelor's degree in international journalism and mass communication and enjoys sports and video games.