Winter is here, and we have brought you an Animal Crossing New Horizons Snowboy Guide, which will help you to make a perfect Snowboy.
Players who have previously played Animal Crossing will be pleased to witness the return of a beloved in-game activity: building Snowboys. You’ll be able to make snowmen (or Snowboys, as they’re known in-game) throughout December and long into 2021. These tiny creatures are difficult to construct, but they reward you with additional DIYs and crafting resources, allowing you to truly transform your island into a winter paradise.
If you are new to the game, we recommend you to read Animal Crossing New Horizons Guide – Top things to do in the 2.0 Update
New Horizons Snowboy Guide: Where to find the snow?

By the time it has snowed completely, you’ll see snowballs roll into Snowboys. For Northern Hemisphere players, this occurs around the middle of December, while for Southern Hemisphere players, it occurs around the middle of June. Snowballs are in open places on your island. You’ll have to push the snowballs around to make them expand to build a Snowboy. When rolled on top of the grass, they just grow. The snowball will shrink if it is rolled on top of patterns or trails.
When the snowballs reach a specific size, you can roll them into each other to form a Snowboy. You may revive a snowball if you shatter it inadvertently by saving and reloading your island. If your airport gate is open, no snowballs will spawn on your island.
Snowboys are in a variety of sizes, but only a well-constructed Snowboy will provide a seasonal DIY recipe. Every day until the Snowboy melts, Perfect Snowboys will additionally gift you a Large Snowflake. You’ll need these to produce the homemade recipes he gives you as a prize. Before melting into oblivion, a Snowboy will linger around for four days.
New Horizons Snowboy Guide: How to make a perfect Snowboy?

Only once your island has been entirely blanketed in snow can you construct Snowboys. This often occurs in the Northern Hemisphere around the middle of December and lasts until mid-to-late February. This occurs in the Southern Hemisphere around the middle of June and lasts until mid-to-late August. The snow is completely covering the ground on your island, now you have to discover two snowballs.
A snowball and a snowflake are sitting together somewhere on your island. You’ll need to move the snowballs around and make them bigger to build the Snowboy. To produce the perfect Snowboy, you’ll need to make them the precise appropriate size. If you shatter a snowball by mistake, it will revive after you enter and depart a building.
The snowball may take a few moments to reappear, but it will. It is not uncommon to find snowballs adjacent to one another and on the same layer. So, if you locate one snowball on your island’s second layer, there’s a strong probability the other one is close on the second tier. Also keep in mind that if your gate is open, snowballs will not generate.
It’s a lot of fun to make Snowboys. You may build them in whatever size you choose. You’ll have to construct the perfect Snowboy if you’re hunting for those crafting supplies and DIYs. Furthermore, you can only build one Snowboy every day, so be cautious while sizing up your snowballs. Making the ideal Snowboy is difficult, but it is also gratifying. Perfect Snowboys will give you a fresh frozen DIY as a reward. In addition, until he melts, which takes around four days, the ideal Snowboy will offer you a huge snowflake every day.
The trick for Perfect Snowboy

It might be difficult to create perfect Snowboys, but there is a method to it. To begin, you’ll want to bring the snowballs to a safe place after you’ve located them. The large space allows you to roll the snowballs to the right size without them breaking. If your island lacks a reasonable amount of open space, now is the time to explore and figure out where one may be found. Keep in mind that some of the game’s “open” places aren’t actually all that open or ideal for making Snowboys.
Roll the snowball back and forth until it reaches the height of the character’s eye. Move this snowball to where you want your Snowboy after it’s the size you desire. Make sure there’s enough space around him, so you can engage with him after he wakes up.
Return to the second snowball and roll it till it’s roughly the same height as the character’s ear, or right at the character’s chin if it’s easier to measure. Even if the ones we produced were a little, they nevertheless resulted in a Snowboy. Even though he wasn’t the perfect Snowboy, he was still a Snowboy.
To make a Snowboy, roll the smaller ball onto the larger snowball after it is the right size. If you made the Snowboy precisely, he will instantly congratulate you. If he doesn’t, you most likely miscalculated the sizes and will have to start over. If your Snowboy isn’t flawless, you can hard quit right away and try again. When you hard quit, make sure your game isn’t auto-saving.
Keep in mind
There are a few pointers to remember. The first is to roll your snowball over un-snowed land if it becomes too enormous. The snowball will shrink in size as a result of this. Also, while rolling snowballs over bridges and inclines, use caution. Like a real snowball, you cannot control where your snowball rolls. A colliding snowball may break. Observe dung beetles as well.
Players in the Northern Hemisphere haven’t gotten a chance to engage with them yet, but they are attempting to move the snowballs about. The obnoxious beetles smash snowballs into objects, smash them over cliffs, and toss them into rivers. They may break your Snowboy if you’re not careful!
We have an art guide for the game that you must read.
New Horizons Snowboy Guide: Snowboy DIY recipes

Obtaining the Snowboy DIYs is well worth the time and effort required. Through Toy Day and beyond, the frozen products may help create the perfect winter atmosphere! They’re ideal for establishing a frozen café or even a welcoming stop for Santa. It also helps because you are awarded Nook Miles for each flawless Snowboy you build.
One of the best aspects about Animal Crossing New Horizons is that it is quite tolerant of inexperienced players. You can count on a frozen DIY the first time you make a snowboy. You’ll be rewarded merely for attempting, even if your Snowboy isn’t flawless. After that, make sure to get the Snowboy as perfect as possible to get the DIYs.
- Frozen chair: 3 snowflakes, 1 large snowflake
- Frozen counter: 5 snowflakes, 1 large snowflake
- Frozen partition: 6 snowflakes, 1 large snowflake
- Frozen pillar: 3 snowflakes, 1 large snowflake
- Frozen sculpture: 4 snowflakes, 1 large snowflake
- Frozen arch: 10 snowflakes, 1 large snowflake
- Frozen bed: 10 snowflakes, 1 large snowflake
- Frozen table: 8 snowflakes, 1 large snowflake
- Frozen treat set: 1 snowflake, 1 large snowflake
- Frozen tree: 8 snowflakes, 1 large snowflake
- Snowperson head: 5 snowflakes, 1 large snowflake
- Three-tiered snowperson: 2 tree branches, 1 large snowflake, 6 snowflakes
- Ice flooring: 8 snowflakes, 1 large snowflake
- Ice wall: 8 snowflakes, 1 large snowflake
- Ice wand: 3 star fragments, 1 large snowflake
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