Here is a Monster Hunter Rise guide that will help you to defeat all the monsters in the game with ease.

It’s time to go monster hunting and carving! There is a myriad of hard creatures to face. Each has its distinct attacks and patterns to grasp if you wish to effectively defeat any of them, like in prior games in the series. Below is a complete Monster Hunter Rise Guide with instructions on how to beat each one found in the original game.

You will face a total of 20 monsters throughout the main half of the game, all of which are low-rank creatures on the monster difficulty scale. The methods to consider when defeating these low-rank variants, which appear in Village and Hub tasks graded 1 to 3 stars, are detailed below.

Monster Hunter Rise Guide for low-rank monsters in the main game

As there are 20 low-rank monsters on this list, we won’t be wasting your time much. We will give you quick info about their weaknesses.

Great Izuchi

  • The head and tail tips are the most susceptible areas.
  • Lighting and water are the elemental weaknesses.
  • Poison, Sleep, Blast, Exhaust, Stun, Paralysis, Thunderblight are all status weaknesses.

Great Baggi

  • The most susceptible area of this monster is the head
  • Its elemental weaknesses are Fire, Water, and Lightning.
  • Status flaws include paralysis, blast, exhaustion, and fireblight.


  • The most susceptible area of this monster is the head, foreleg, and tail.
  • Its elemental weaknesses are Water (Primary), and all others.
  • Status flaws include Stun, blast, and waterblight.

Great Wroggi

Wroggi monster
Great Wroggi (Image credit: Monsterhunter official)
  • The most susceptible areas are the head
  • Ice (main) and Water (secondary) are the elemental weaknesses.
  • Status flaws include paralysis, sleep, blast, and iceblight.


  • The most susceptible area of this monster is the head, abdomen, and rear.
  • Its elemental weaknesses are Fire, Ice, and Lightning.
  • Status flaws include Paralysis, Sleep, Poison, Stun, Blast, Exhaust, Fireblight


  • Susceptible areas: Rear and head
  • Weaknesses: Fire and Lightning
  • Status Flaws: Poison, Stun, Paralysis, Blast, Fireblight


  • Susceptible areas: Front legs, tail
  • Weaknesses: Fire and Ice
  • Status Flaws: Paralysis, Blast, Poison, Fireblight

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  • Susceptible areas: Head, Neck
  • Weaknesses: Fire
  • Status Flaws: Blast, Fireblight, Poison


  • Susceptible areas: Head, neck, and forelegs
  • Weaknesses: Lightning and Fire
  • Status Flaws: Blast, Paralysis, Thunderblight


Monster Hunter Rise Guide
monster bishaten
  • Susceptible areas: Head, Tail
  • Weaknesses: Ice and Fire
  • Status Flaws: Blast, Iceblight


  • Susceptible areas: Head, Tongue, and Tail
  • Weaknesses: Ice and Lightning
  • Status Flaws: Sleep, Thunderblight, Paralysis


  • Susceptible areas: Head, Abdomen, Legs
  • Weaknesses: Water and Dragon
  • Status Flaws: Sleep, Waterblight


Monster hunter
monster somnacanth (Image credit: monsterhunter official)
  • Susceptible areas: Head and Neck
  • Weaknesses: Fire and Lightning
  • Status Flaws: Blast, Thunderblight


  • Susceptible areas: Head, Wing, and Tail
  • Weaknesses: Lightning and Dragon
  • Status Flaws: Thunderblight


  • Susceptible areas: Head, front limbs
  • Weaknesses: Lightning and Fire
  • Status Flaws: Blast, Fireblight

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  • Susceptible areas: Head, upper body, and parts of the back
  • Weaknesses: Water and Ice
  • Status Flaws: Stun, Blast, and Waterblight


Monster Hunter Rise Guide
Aknosom (Image credit: monsterhunter official)
  • Susceptible areas: Head, Crest, and Wing
  • Weaknesses: Water and Lightning
  • Status Flaws: Blast and Waterblight

Royal Ludroth

  • Susceptible areas: head, sponge mane, abdomen
  • Weaknesses: Fire and Lightning
  • Status Flaws: Blast and Fireblight


  • Susceptible areas: Head, neck, tail
  • Weaknesses: Water, Ice, and Fire
  • Status Flaws: Blast, Waterblight, Poison


  • Susceptible areas: Head, arm blade, tail
  • Weaknesses: Lightning and Water
  • Status Flaws: Waterblight

Monster Hunter Rise Guide for low-rank monsters in the Endgame

The primary segment of the game involves you facing a total of 20 creatures, all of which are classified as low-rank on the monster difficulty scale. The techniques to consider while bringing down these low-rank variants, which appear in Village and Hub missions graded 1 to 3 Stars, are detailed below in the Monster Hunter Rise Guide.


  • Susceptible areas: Head, tail, and snout 
  • Weaknesses: Ice and Water
  • Status Flaws: Waterblight

Goss Harag

  • Susceptible areas: Head, foreleg, and ice clumps on arms
  • Weaknesses: Lightning and Fire
  • Status Flaws: Blast, Fireblight


Monster Hunter Rise Guide
Monster Tigrex (Image credit: monsterhunter official)
  • Susceptible areas: Head, foreleg
  • Weaknesses: Lightning and Dragon
  • Status Flaws: Blast, Thunderblight


  • Susceptible areas: Back, hind legs, and head
  • Weaknesses: Water and Ice
  • Status Flaws: Blast, Iceblight


  • Susceptible areas: Head, neck, and dorsal fin
  • Weaknesses: Lightning and Dragon
  • Status Flaws: Blast, Thunderblight


  • Susceptible areas: Head, Tail
  • Weaknesses: Fire and Ice
  • Status Flaws: Fireblight


Monster Hunter Rise Guide
Monster Naragacuga (Image credit: monsterhunter official)
  • Susceptible areas: Head, tail, foreleg
  • Weaknesses: Lightning and Fire
  • Status Flaws: Blast, Thunderblight


  • Susceptible areas: Head, wings, neck, and abdomen
  • Weaknesses: Ice, Dragon, and Water
  • Status Flaws: Blast, Iceblight, Paralysis


  • Susceptible areas: Head, wings, tail
  • Weaknesses: Ice, Lightning, and Dragon
  • Status Flaws: Thunderblight

Monster Hunter Rise Guide for high-rank monsters in the Endgame

There are high-rank variants of every creature in Monster Hunter Rise, as you may have guessed from this guide. After achieving a 4-Star Hunter Rank, you can fight them later on in the game. Complete all Urgent Village Quests including the 4-Star Urgent Rampage Quest to obtain it. After completing the required 3-Star Hub Quests, this will become available.

Monster Hunter
magnamalo (Image credit: monsterhunter official)

High-rank monsters, on the whole, are more difficult to defeat, as they have more health, deal more damage, and use their strongest attacks more frequently. The strategy for killing them is largely the same as we’ve outlined above; we simply advise you to use a little more restraint than you would when fighting their lower-rank counterparts.

As you advance through the high-rank category, you will encounter a few monsters that are entirely unique to that part of the game. The three monsters are Rakna-Kadaki, Rajang, and Jyuratodus, and destroying them is quite the challenge. When working on 5-Star Hunter Rank quests, Rakna-Kadaki and Rajang will appear as invading monsters. At some point, once you reach 7-Star Hunter Rank, they each get their own hunt. The 5-Star Hunter rank can be earned by hunting Jyuratodus, the Urgent Quest monster.


Rakna-Kadaki is a spider straight from hell, and when everything is said and done, either you or she will be a shriveled husk. So let’s be certain it isn’t you!

The first step is to gather all of your fire-resistant clothing, as well as any talismans or decorations you may have created to help mitigate or prevent the effects of Fireblight. Because of its fire resistance and blight-prevention properties, S Rathian armour will be quite useful. Bring any ice or water element weapons you might have, as well as any items you would need to inflict Iceblight. Eat some fire resist Dango beforehand, too, since Rakna, as you’ll soon find, like it hot! She can not only expel scorching flames from her jaws, but she can also release bursts of flames from her sides when you target her legs.

While her side attack is lethal, her frontal assault fire beam is significantly more lethal owing to its range and persistence. Don’t believe you’re safe because you avoided the first blow. After all, she could just swoop around to capture you, so be prepared to evade or guard many times, and have those Wirebugs handy! All of these strikes can cause Fireblight, so roll or use Nulberries if you can move at all. If you come into contact with Rakna’s sticky webbing, you won’t be able to move unless you use Cleanser or are assisted by a friend. 

You’ll shock her for a few moments if you can cut one of these connected webs while she’s dragging herself around. Use this moment to go all out with your weapons, focusing on her head and legs in particular—they’re her weak places but also incredibly hazardous to attack.


Rajang monster
Rajang (Image credit: monsterhunter official)

Rajang is a short, nimble man with hammering fists who becomes enraged rapidly. Rajang has one of the fastest conceivable battle-start-to-cart timings in the game, with a combination of scorching speed, confusing mobility, and terrible attacks. The monster does not have a concentrated quest until you reach the 7-Star Hub Tasks, however, he may appear unexpectedly in some 6-Star quests. An important thing to remember is that a flying Rajang will always come down rapidly and virtually always shoot squarely at someone’s face. Rajang’s ability to dodge Pitfall Traps may render your attempts to halt it ineffective as well!

It can leap and spit out ball lights. But it is more likely to beat its chest or do a tiny backward hop before unleashing an outrageously massive and devastating lighting laser blast directly from its jaws. Rajang’s favorite combination is lunging at a hunter from close range. Mauling them like a living chew toy, and dumping them on the floor, where they will quickly eat a full laser blast upon rising.

Rajang’s fur takes on a golden sheen when he becomes agitated, earning him the moniker “Golden Lion.” Moving to and assaulting Rajang’s rear is a smart tactic since Rajang travels so swiftly and focuses its assaults around its front and flanks. The usage of a Flash Bomb every now and then can fool it long enough for you to get some clear swipes at its back. So make excellent use of them when you need to ease off on the pressure.


Jyuratodus is an amphibious creature with amazing agility on both land and water. It can fling mud balls across the arena, much like its fellow muddy monster pals. The mud heaps that arise aren’t as deadly as Almudron’s, but they will slow you down. To help combat this, eat Null berries or wear blight-resistant clothing.

Jyuratodus’ primary method of attack is to ram its big, slippery body against you. It will swim towards you in the water, creating mud puddles in its wake. When you notice it about to dive, you can Wirebug and flee, or use a Sonic Bomb to disrupt its stride while it’s submerged. Juratodus will tumble out of the sea and flail around. Make the most of this opportunity to attack.

Monster Hunter Rise Guide for Apex monsters

Monster Hunter Rise also has Apex Creatures, which are unique monsters in the game. These variant versions of known monsters are significantly more difficult than their low-rank and high-rank equivalents, with far more aggressive behavior and a variety of new attacks. Apex Monsters are usually found in high-rank endgame-level Rampages, therefore you’ll need to be really skillful to defeat them. Some of these monsters can now be battled during ordinary hunts, thanks to Update 2.0.

In general, Apex Monsters should be avoided at all costs. Arzuros, Rathalos, Diabolos, Mizutsune, and Rathian are the only Apex Monsters accessible as of this writing. Unless you’re seeking a huge solo challenge, we recommend fighting these monsters as a group.

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Published by Omer Khan

Omer has a proven track record in the online media industry as a Content Writer. He holds a bachelor's degree in international journalism and mass communication and enjoys sports and video games.