Pokemon Go Spotlight Hours for May 2024 features psychic units. Scroll down and find out everything.

Pokemon Go World of Wonders season will end soon. Weekly events in Pokemon Go will be the best chance for trainers to encounter shiny Pokemon and unlock battle items. The Spotlight Hours is a weekly event that takes place every Tuesday featuring rare wild Pokemon and bonuses for players. The featured Pokemon will be different during every week and you can complete your Pokedex by participating in these raids. Wild spawns have always been effective for PvP battles.

The Pokemon Spotlight Hour schedule for May 2024 has been revealed. New content , events and raids will be available before the World of Wonders season ends. There are tons of challenges, battle raids and special research tasks for trainers along with maximum bonuses and rewards. Here’s all about Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour, wild encounters, bonuses and rewards.

Pokemon Go Spotlight Hours May 2024

Pokemon Go Spotlight Hours
Shiny Hitmonlee

The last Spotlight Hours featured the Clefairy Pokemon and makers of Pokemon Go have revealed the next set of Pokemon for the Spotlight Hour event May 2024. Here are all encounters and rewards for Spotlight Hours in coming weeks,

  • May 7 – Hitmonlee & Hitmonchan will appear frequently in the wild. You can encounter their shiny forms as well. You can get x2 Candy on transfer
  • May 14 – The Psychic-type, Abra, will spawn in the wild. Abra is a top-tier offensive Pokemon and you can use battle items to catch its shiny form. The reward will be 2x Evolution XP
  • May 21 – Elgyem, another Psychic-type Pokemon is the featured Pokemon for this week. Elgyem is a Gen 5 Unova region Pokemon. The shiny Elgyem spawn rate will be lesser and you can unlock the 2x catch Stardust reward 
  • May 28 – Mareanie will be the last Pokemon to feature in Spotlight Hours for May 2024. Pokemon Go trainers can use berries to unlock this Poison and Water type Pokemon. Mareanie doesn’t have a shiny form and this raid features the 2x catch xp

Which is the best Pokemon to catch in upcoming Spotlight Hours?

Spotlight Hour event provides trainers the best chance to catch wild Pokemon and complete the Pokedex. With more wild Pokemon, you can utilize them for PvP raids and gym battles in the game. Hitmonlee, the fighting type Pokemon, is an all-rounder with great stats and cp and you can prioritize catching this unit in upcoming weekly events.


What is a Spotlight Hour in Pokemon Go?

In Pokemon Go, you can hunt wild Pokemon from all regions on every tuesday through this Spotlight Hour event. You can unlock all types of Pokemon including a shiny form. The Spotlight Hours also features bonuses for trainers.

Is Pokemon Go Free-to-play?

Yes, Pokemon Go is a free-to-play AR and RPG adventure for Android and iOS. In this colorful Pokemon game, you will play as a trainer and explore locations in the wild and real-world to catch different types of Pokemon to your party.

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