In this guide, we are here to help you learn how to get Silk Touch in Minecraft. Read carefully and get your own Silk Touch easily.
Instead of acquiring the typical fallen things, the Silk Touch enchantment lets you mine the blocks themselves. You can use this enchantment to acquire delicate and breakable objects like glass or ice. Furthermore, you can also mine the block itself, such as diamond ore or coal ore, and harvest it (instead of getting diamond and coal drops).
Using an enchanting table, anvil, or a game command, you may add the Silk Touch enchantment on any pickaxe, shovel, axe, or shears. Then use the enchanted tool to mine and see how quickly you can fill your inventory with those rare and delicate things.
Read Minecraft Blast Furnace Guide – How to craft and use it.
How to Get Silk Touch in Minecraft
You may get your hands on a silk touch enchantment in a few different ways. Also, you may try rolling the dice in an enchantment table and finding it by chance with a level 30 enchantment; you could also get it through chest loot or fishing, like with most other enchantments; and lastly, you can obtain it by trading with a library villager. Trading is the most dependable method of obtaining what you want.
You’ll need to find a new villager in order for this strategy to function. “Fresh” refers to a villager who has not yet locked down their career. Check a villager’s trade inventory to see whether they are locked in. They will never change their profession or update their trade inventory if they have level 2 unlocked. As long as you haven’t traded with them, most folks who produce in villages will be compatible with this approach.

If there are any extra job site blocks nearby, you may need to remove them so this will work. Obtaining a lectern is also necessary. You can find a lectern generated in the home of the librarian in a village that has a librarian. A bookshelf and four wooden slabs can also be used to construct one. It doesn’t matter what type of wooden slab you use for this recipe. Find a villager that can be kept isolated after you have set up your lectern. To prevent him from wandering, you should enclose mine with fences.
How to Get Silk Touch in Minecraft: Librarian’s inventory
Look through the librarian’s trade inventory to discover what he has to offer. This strategy requires simply his level 1 trade. To replenish the librarian’s collection, you can shatter and replace the lectern. There will be storm clouds around the villager, suggesting his rage, however, this is due to his loss of occupation. When the villager is transferred to his occupation, this value is reset.
The librarian’s inventory will be refreshed by breaking and replacing the lectern. If you trade with this villager, you will become locked in their profession and cannot refresh their inventory if you buy enchanted books from them in the level 2 trades. If you don’t find the book you want, keep replacing the lectern until you do.

After a few inventory refreshes, the librarian may provide a silk touch. This will be an almost limitless supply of this magical book (as long as you can supply the emeralds and books). If the trade is locked out, you can either trade with other things or wait for the librarian’s stock to replenish for a few days.
If you’re having trouble finding enough emeralds to meet your enchanting needs, explore nearby towns and try trading basic resources for emeralds. Leatherworkers will purchase leather in exchange for emeralds, farmers will purchase crops in exchange for emeralds, fletchers will purchase sticks in exchange for emeralds, and so on. Make use of whatever villagers trade is most convenient for you.
Craft your book
Make a book using three pieces of paper and a piece of leather if you have enough emeralds. You can trade with the librarian for your enchanted book after you have your book ready and your emeralds acquired. With your book in hand, you can use an anvil to enchant whatever tool you wish. You’ll need 31 total iron ingots to create an anvil. Make three iron blocks with 27 iron ingots, then arrange three iron blocks in an upside-down “T” configuration on the top row of your crafting table.
You should read Minecraft Enchanted Books – Where to find them and how to use them
To enchant your tool, set your anvil down and place your desired tool in the anvil’s leftmost slot and the enchanted book in the anvil’s rightmost slot. That’s all you need to do in Minecraft to get a silky touch on your products.
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