Mr. Beast, a popular YouTuber, took his crazy endeavors to the next level by building a real-life Squid Game set that cost him a lot.

Squid Game is a popular Korean Netflix show that has been attempted to recreate in real life many times. There has been a Squid Game event held in Dubai, as well as fans making dalgona candy and purchasing Squid Game outfits.

Mr. Beast, the actual name Jimmy Donaldson, is a prominent YouTuber known for his bizarre online activities. He has prepared to upload a video displaying his ambitious effort of replicating real-life Netflix’s Squid Game with random individuals as players. The teenage YouTuber began this big effort in October when he revealed it to his social media followers.

A massively expensive stunt like this is just the latest gimmick from Mr. Beast. In 2017, he became more prominent on YouTube for more mundane content. At the 2019 Streamy Awards, he won the Breakout Creator award for conceptually audacious philanthropy. Videos of him usually feature him donating large sums of money to charities or giving away prizes, which are usually co-sponsored by brands.

Mr. Beast made a viral TikTok video last month in which he promised his followers that if the video received more than 10 million likes, he would go forward with his plans to construct a real-life Squid Game. He confirmed on TikTok two days later that his original video had achieved the objective. He would be picking 456 random fans from his TikTok to partake in the event. His first video was seen 76.9 million times and had 17.5 million likes.

Mr. Beast brings the actual real-life Squid Game

 real-life Squid Game
Mr. Beast (Image credits: Official Instagram of Mr. Beast)

Mr. Beast revealed additional samples of the sets mimicking every game on the hit South Korean drama on his Instagram feed on November 24. According to information shared on YouTuber’s social media, he has asked 456 individuals to take part in his reproduction of the game. All of them will be dressed in an iconic green tracksuit.

The set has a large playground with the iconic ‘red light, green light’ doll in the center, resembling the original game in the series. Followers got a peek of the tug-of-war podium, as well as the remarkable copy of the little town seen in one of the series’ games in another sample. “I can’t wait to see how you guys respond,” the YouTuber wrote in response to the sneak peeks.

Mr. Beast’s Squid Game:  

So, in the first game, the 456 participants all played a game of Red Light, Green Light, and whoever was discovered moving got eliminated, just like in the Netflix series. The remaining players continued into teams at random in the second game. Each team selected a color that corresponds to a form that they must replicate. The tournament was to be decided by the last team to complete their shape.

Mr. Beast's  real-life Squid Game
real-life Squid Game (Image credits: Official Instagram of Mr. Beast)

For the third game, all the remaining participants engaged in a tug-of-war. Two teams lined up in a row, each avoiding being thrown from the platform. If one of the team members is knocked out off the platform, anyone on that team can advance to round four.

Players joined up for the fourth game. Each participant was granted ten wool, and they were free to play whatever game they wanted against their companion. The winner earns the wool.

Two rows of glass are shown in the fifth game, one on the left and one on the right. One of the panels is safe to jump on, whereas the other shatter when touched. Each player must make their way over the bridge without stepping on a shard of glass.

Here is more information about Mr. Beast’s real-life Squid Game

Mr. Beast
Mr. Beast (Image credits: Official Instagram of Mr. Beast)

The game cost Donaldson a total of $3.5 million. According to the YouTuber, $2 million allocated to make uncanny duplicates of the game. $1.5 million paid to the last person remaining. The social media celebrity used his platform to update his followers on the progress of making a duplicate of the famous games from the series. On Wednesday, November 24 at 4 p.m Eastern. The video went up on his YouTube page.

Many of his YouTube fans anticipate the ambitious project with great excitement. A few netizens have expressed disappointment at the expense of content spent by the young philanthropist. According to one user, it’s just casually flaunting wealth disparities and part of a mock recreation of a show showing wealth disparities.

Squid Game’s popularity has a lot to do with the fact that it allows people to imagine themselves playing it and what they would do. This is now an opportunity for those people to find out for themselves just how difficult it was for the characters in the show. This stream is a must-watch for Squid Game fans who are eagerly anticipating the second season.

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Published by Omer Khan

Omer has a proven track record in the online media industry as a Content Writer. He holds a bachelor's degree in international journalism and mass communication and enjoys sports and video games.