We have brought you the Dislyte Dhalia guide that will help you how to unlock it. There are some tips and tricks too that will help you.
Dhalia is a support Esper who uses the power of Calypso. She has allied with the Esper Union and she is also a teacher at the academy. You can use her as a support user and also weaken the enemies as she grants team-wide AP buffs.
However, to use her abilities, you will first need to unlock her. But how to unlock Dhalia? In our Dislyte Dhalia guide, we will tell you how to unlock this esper and also give some tips and tricks so that you can learn more about her.

Dislyte Dhalia Guide: How to unlock
Dhalia can only be obtained through the Ripple Dimensions quest line in Dislyte. In the same way that Raids pits a large group of players against an Esper boss, this mode does the same. It can take a few tries before a Dhalia Ripple appears, and you’ll have to confront her multiple times if you want to collect all 40 Dhalia Ripples.
Ripple Dimension
You will find the Ripple Dimension game mode in the trials tab of the game. Keep in mind that this mode will be available only for a short period of time and after the creation of a Ripple, there will be a notification distributed to the friends of the user who has initiated the creation of the ripple. After fifteen minutes of time, it will be transferred to the Global Chat. You can join the conversation once you click on the notification and remember to do it as fast as you can.
With the help of Ritual and Sonic miracles, you can create your own personal ripple dimension. Setting it to multi-battle is recommended, and you can find that option at the bottom of the challenge. When you’ve decided on your formation, do this. This will cycle through a total of ten battles at the same time. You can create and join Ripple Dimensions using this method. However, it may take some time, so be patient.

Dhalia’s Sneak Attack
With the Sneak Attack, Dhalia is able to deal damage to an enemy that will be equal to 110% ATK. It will have an additional 50% chance of inflicting stun for one turn. In this ability, when the damage is increased to 100%, the chance of trigger will be increased to 45%. When the damage will be increased to 110%, the chance of trigger will be increased to 50%.
Freeze your opponents with Umbra
With the Umbra attack ability, Dhalia can attack three times, each hit will deal damage equal to 50% of ATK that will also decrease the speed of an enemy for two turns. If the enemy is already inflicted with the speed decrease, then it will inflict a freeze for one additional turn. The cooldown for this ability is two turns.
So, this was everything you need to know from our Dislyte Dhalia guide. The above-mentioned abilities are very strong and you can take full advantage of them. However, there are much better espers in the game than Dhalia but you can experiment and see if this esper suits you more or not.

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